Effie cried out, putting her hands over her ears with a loud sob. "Why can't you leave me alone?! Shut up! SHUT UP!"



       "What?!" The female blonde gasps awake, looking around, searching for the faces that she'd just seen. The first set of people she sees were clustered around the doorway; Eleazar, Remus, Sirius, Mrs. Weasley, Fred, and George.

       Effie then turned to the person in front of her when her name was called again. Effie gasps, flinching when she sees a familiar redhead—Ginny, who wore a concerned expression. Effie seemed to realize that her other hand was up high, holding a knife.

       Her eyes widened, a shaky sob falling from her lips. Her eyes well up in tears as her hand trembled, lowering the offending object. "It's okay," Ginny said to her as the knife fell from Effie, and clattered to the floor. "Breathe like we practiced. It's okay," Ginny continued, hands wrapping around Effie's wrists gently.

       "Well, it's not!" Effie snapped, ripping herself away from Ginny. Great, parasomnia, hallucinations, and now sleepwalking. Bloody hell. "Get away!"

Ginny casted the other people in the room a look that says get out, to which they hesitantly obliged to even if she knew they would listen in, before walking closer to the distraught blonde. "It's okay, I can help you, it's okay—"

"See, that's the problem!" Effie bursts out. "You don't care about getting hurt! What if—What if I get you killed for real this time?" That's twice she put Ginny in danger, the first time at the Astronomy Tower. "But you know how I'll feel? The other people in outside the room? Devastated. Ginny," Effie whimpered out. "If you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind."

She turned away, digging the palms of her hands in her eyes. She used to only care about herself, Eleazar, and Pansy, what the hell was happening to her?

Effie whirled around again, angry. "You see, death doesn't happen to you, Ginny. It happens to everyone around you, okay? It happens to all the people left standing around at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're going to live the rest of their lives without you in it."

"Stop acting like there isn't a problem about you too!" Ginny snapped angrily.

Effie let out a bitter laugh, "I don't need to be reminded of how problematic I am, my mind already does that—"

"Everyone goes to you for help and you help them!" Ginny spits, glaring at Effie before her eyes soften. "But who helps you when you can't take it anymore if you push us—if you push me away? Merlin, Effie, recovery is a long way to go. And Lillian Euphemia, you can't do that alone. I'll be damned if you try to push me away again."

A tear fell down Effie's cheek as Ginny ended her statement by pulling Effie in a hug. "I'm sorry," Effie whimpered. "I'm sorry I have so many psychological problems that I almost hurt everyone around me—"

"Stop apologizing for it, Effie," Ginny shushed her. "You can't control it. . . and if you ask me, control is overrated."

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