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       A WEEK HAD PASSED SINCE EFFIE ARRIVED BACK IN BRITAIN, AND HAD BEEN RESIDING IN GRIMMAULD FOR THE TIMEBEING. One of the spare rooms had been converted into a boxing gym (if you could call containing lots of punching bags a punching gym) for Effie because she tended to be worked up about her nightmares.

       The nightmares were so bad—she wasn't allowed amphetamines, or sleeping draughts, or sleeping pills, much to her chagrin—that every other night, she would wake up screaming. And her dad would come running as if he'd been guarding her door this entire time to wake her up.

       Pansy couldn't get in contact yet because she was in the Malfoy Manor, and Effie had a sneaking suspicion that Voldemort was taking refuge there—or somewhere with close contact to his Death Eaters.

       As for the Order, Eleazar tells her everything. . . well, they had a deal. She wouldn't join the Order, and he would tell her everything so she could have something to set her mind on. Besides, Effie's sleuthing mind, as well as Ginny's help, was a great assistance for the Order.

       "When're they going to bring Harry in?" Ginny asked Effie, who was in between performing roundhouse kicks and beating up the bag with her fists.

       "Dad told me they were thinking of picking him up about five weeks before start of school," Effie informed her, grunting as she landed a solid roundhouse to the bag. She takes the momentum, spinning around and elbowing it as if it was a face.

       Usually, it'd be Voldemort's face and it was stress-relieving imagining his nose disappearing with every punch she lands.

       Ginny shakes her head. "I don't understand why Dumbledore would want to keep him with his horrid relatives for so long—like, I do understand it's for protection, but come on! Wouldn't he be safer in a house full able-bodied witches and wizards?"

       "I don't think Potter would've wanted to be safe," Effie said back, a loud ha escaping her lips when she nailed a kick high enough to be considered a face again. "You know he'd rather run headfirst to danger like an idiot than to make a plan on the spot."

       "He's smart but he's a dumbass," Ginny agreed, laughing a bit. "If he was on a muggle plane he'd probably jump without a parachute and latch on somebody who has one on the way down."

       Effie smirks slightly, pausing to stabilize her breathing. She's been working on it all over summer because she hated the sight of inhalers now. "Jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down," She quoted.

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