7: Friends or frenemies

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Seohyun's POV

"Hey guys...." I said quietly.

"Um.... We are kinda dating." Baekhyun said and all of them were shocked. Way to go Byun (Note the sarcasm)

"What ??!!" They all said in unison.

"Yah, tell me you're joking." Jimin said to me.

"Its not a joke Park. We are really dating." Baekhyun said confidently, intertwining our hands. Just great !! I am gonna die any second now. Yay !!

"Seohyun, what the hell is wrong with you ?? Don't you have eyes ??" Jungkook asked me and I could feel Baekhyun close his fist in anger.

"No... Baek ?? What did you see in her ??" Wendy asked him and now it was my turn to close my fists.

"You both are the greatest enemies of all time. I don't actually believe this." Suho oppa and jin oppa said at the same time.

"Believe it or not, I love her and she loves me. She's mine and I'm hers. End of discussion." Baekhyun said and started eating like nothing happened.

"She's not yours. She's our Seohyun." Jimin said getting angry.

"Besides, what about Taehyung ??" Jungkook asked me and now Baekhyun really gave his whole attention to Jungkook.

"Taehyung ?? What about Taehyung ??" Baekhyun asked Jungkook curiously.

"Wait.... You don't know about Taehyung and Seohyun ??" Jungkook asked Baekhyun, shocked.

"If I did would I ask you, nincompoop ??" Baekhyun asked him.

"Who are you calling nincompoop huh ?? Air head." Uh oh.

"Don't you have ears. You itself. Call me air head once more and you'll get it. Now tell me." Baekhyun said.

"Why should I tell you, air head ?? Ask your girlfriend cuz I'm apparently a nincompoop." Jungkook said.

"Yeah yeah you are. Seohyun tell me." He asked me.

"Taehyung is my ex. End of discussion." I just shrugged and thought he wouldn't care at all. Sometimes I'm wrong.

"Your what ??!!" Baekhyun literally yelled.

"Keep it down airhead." Jungkook said and Baekhyun ignored him.

"My ex. As in the person I dated before you. If you still don't understand go search the wikipedia cuz dictionary is not your thing as you don't read." I said and realized something. I just roasted him and apparently 'girlfriends' aren't supposed to do that. I still had that enemy in mind. Stupid me. My friends cracked while his friends held back their laughter.

"Your girlfriend just roasted you bro." Sehun said still laughing.

"Savage queen. I like her." Chanyeol said and Baekhyun glared at all of them including me.

"Haha. She loves to joke around with me at times. That's how we roll. It's not that big of a deal." He said glaring at me and faking a smile through his clenched teeth.

"Well stop rolling and start eating." Joy said annoyed with the whole discussion.

Time skip

After lunch Baekhyun dragged me towards the roof top.

"Yah leave me. My wrist is starting to hurt." I said trying to remove his hand from my wrist

"You never told me that you had an ex." He said coldly.

"Why should I ever do that ?? We never talked to each other before and you never asked me. I don't unnecessarily tell around people that I happen to have an ex." I said.

"Do you still like him ??" He asked me seriously

"That's none of your business. You don't care anyway." I said rolling my eyes.

"It is my business. As your boyfriend I have the right to know. I have to make sure that our relationship is perfect for the both of us." He said smiling cheekily.

"There is no us idiot" I said sternly rolling her eyes at him.

"Oh of course there is sweetie. We are 'dating', remember ??" He says so determined to tease me.

"We both know that it's fake. I'll never ever date you for real especially since you're my worst enemy." I said and walked away from him.

Baekhyun's POV

I don't know why but it broke my heart. Ey, what am I saying ?? I don't care about her.
Or do I ...?
Do you think Baekhyun cares about her ??

Comment down your opinion.


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