Pushing the heavy blankets aside, Claire sat up just as the tent flap swept open exposing her to a rush of cold air and a glimpse of the star littered sky beyond before a dark form filled the space.


          "Rollan, is that you?"

          "Did I wake you?" he asked sounding anxious.

          "No, what's wrong?"

          "I'm not quite sure, maybe nothing, but... I can't explain, you have to come see for yourself," Rollan said.

          Claire frowned, but didn't question him further. She simply tugged on her discarded boots and ducked through the opening.

          "What is it?" She asked, her breath escaping in a long stream of mist.

          "Look," he said leading her to the edge of camp and pointing in the direction they had just traveled from. She saw nothing but rolling hills and a handful of tall trees standing out stark and black against the sky.

          That's when she recalled something Rollan had said the day before.

          "I thought you said there wouldn't be anymore trees," she said, her voice quiet.

          "So you see them too," Rollan replied, letting out a relieved sigh. "I thought that maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, or that this cold finally got to me and I was starting to hallucinate."

          "Where did they come from? Were they there when we passed earlier?"

          "No," Rollan said with a shake of his head. "I just don't get it. It's like they sprouted up when we weren't looking."

          "What's going on?"

          They turned to see Draz rubbing sleep from his face with the palm of his hand as he approached.

          "We're trying to figure out where the trees came from," Claire said.

          "Huh," Draz replied, "I'll be damned. I've never seen that before."

          "Are you going to share, or are we just supposed to read your mind? Though, I imagine if we tried, it would be a short but dull endeavor," Rollan said with a smirk.

          "This guy," Draz replied shaking his head, "trying so hard to be clever like me, it's cute really."

          "Draz," Claire said sharply.

          "Right," Draz replied, "don't you recognize them?"

          "I mean, they're trees, who wouldn't recognize a tree," Claire said trying hard not to sound as exasperated as she was starting to feel.

          "They're not trees," Draz said.

          "I'm not sure if you're seeing the same thing as us, but those are definitely trees," Rollan replied.

          "Oh, well, if the prince says so then it must be true," Draz drawled before burying both hands in the deep pockets of his pants.

          "Stop playing games, Draz, it's late and cold..."

          "Alright, alright," Draz replied, "it's your old pal... what did you call him? Rin? Seems like he brought some friends along with him. Guess he took a liking to you. Must've been following us ever since we left the forest. Never heard of that happening, but I've come to accept that nothing happens quite like it should when you're around, Claire."

          Claire wasn't sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment and decided it was better to assume the latter. "But why?"

          "Beats me," Draz said, "why don't you go ask him?"

          Claire rolled her eyes. "You're impossible sometimes, you know that?"

          "Only sometimes?" Rollan muttered.

           "What can I say? It comes naturally," Draz replied with a smirk. "Can I go back to bed now? I need-"

          "Much as I hate to interrupt," a voice called from the darkness. "I'm afraid your little adventure ends here."

          Claire turned and saw a figure emerge from the shadows into the dim ring of light being thrown by the dwindling fire. As the orange glow of the flames threw the stranger's features into sharp relief, Claire felt her breath catch in her throat.


          But how had he found them in the middle of nowhere?

          "I guess that answers that question," Draz replied with a heavy sigh. He snapped his fingers and the glowing embers they'd left to die in the fire pit flared to life. Flames spiraled ten feet into the air accompanied by a mighty thunderclap as the sudden influx of hot air came into contact with the frigid cold of the night.

          Benjamin projected an air of boredom as he regarded Draz. "Are you finished showing off?"

          "Just getting warmed up," Draz replied, flames leaping between his fingers. He started to step towards Ben only to pause when more figures stepped from the darkness, surrounding them. Rollan turned, stepping forward so that Claire was between him and Draz.

          They all wore the same dark green cloaks pinned at the right shoulder by a silver clasp fashioned into the form of a bear. There were six in total, Ben included, and Claire couldn't help the feeling of dread that had begun to creep over her.

          "You brought some friends," Draz said. "I'm flattered, are you that intimidated by me?"

          "I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish my mission, I don't let silly things like pride get in the way," Benjamin replied as he strolled casually around the fire. "As much as I would love to bring you in, Haval, you are not the reason I am here. I do not know what your connection to Miss Belmont is, and you've been nothing but a thorn in my side, but I shall turn a blind eye to your presence so long as you do not interfere."

          "Interfere with what, exactly?" Draz asked.

          Claire felt her pulse quicken as her heart leaped into her throat.

          As though sensing her mounting anxiety, Benjamin turned his gaze towards her. "Claire Belmont," he began. "I, Benjamin Harcourt, am under orders issued by King Nicolai Desmaris himself, to bring you before his majesty to be tried as a criminal."

          "On what grounds?" Rollan demanded. "Claire has done nothing wrong."

          "Perhaps you don't know your friend there as well as you think," Ben smiled. "The charges are as follows: espionage, conspiracy against the crown, and treason. I suggest you come quietly, Miss Belmont, for the sake of your friends." 

Winter Embers [ Book 2 ]Where stories live. Discover now