A Challenge

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Warnings: Laito's words  (as per usual)...

Everybody was gathered and seated in a large room with a long dining table in the centre. Two candles were placed in the centrd of the table, creating more than enough light. The chandelier over head, sparkled and shone. Food was placed on plates in front of each person. Every chair expect one was taken, that spare was between Shu and Subaru. Across from Shu, Yui sat next to Ayato and his two other triplet twins. Laito and Kanato. Opposite them was Subaru and Reiji. They gathered here in the, dining room this evening because of the 'monthly dinner party' that was held. Laito suddenly stood behind Yui, wearing a blue jacket with a white hoodie, white shirt, red tie. He wore his maroon pants folded up to his knees and as usual, he wore his fedora hat.
"You haven't eaten much little bitch..." Cooned  Laito. "you need to eat properly or you'll become anemic, want me to feed you?" He suggested. But before Yui could get a response out, one was given for her by Reiji.
        "Laito! It is bad manners to get to your feet at a meal." Scolded Reiji, unimpressed. He also wore something different. He didn't have his blazer on, showing a grey vest and his white shirt. Beside him, Subaru, wore a long sleeve dark red shirt, with a black thin cardigan over the top, long sleeves. Noting that, Shu didn't wear his usual cream cardigan, wearing his pale blue jumper and green top. Always his ear phones.
      "Yes Mater Reiji." Laito sarcastically replied. Then turned his voice back to Yui,     "We'll continue this later." Then sat back down, next to Kanato.
      Shu drew the attention on him, by standing up wordlessly. Yui questioned his name, curiosity fully heard. But all he said in turn was. "This is a pain." Then walked out. To which, annoyed Reiji. He continued to complain—well insult Shu for a minute then concluded the dinner party, excusing everyone. The brothers, expect Reiji had got up and left. Yui, feeling slightly faint and alone, got up and was stopped midway by Reiji saying. "Your table manners are deplorable. One of these days, I'm going to have to punish you." He threatened. Her heart flipped and flopped, sinking low in her chest. She hated it here, in this mansion. She's only been here for almost a month and, by the grace of her god, did she not like it. She nodded slightly in response and then left to her room.

In her room, she sat on her bed. Her gaze fell upon the bedside table, and as she pulled out the draw, took out her fathers diary. Flicked through the blank pages, her disappointment grew. If only she know about what her father had meant, nowadays that's all she wanted to know about. What had he meant? What did he mean? She mummered "It's still blank." To herself, not wanting to add more heaviness in her chest she placed the dairy back into the draw, shut it and hopped off of her bed, going to take a shower, only stopped when, Ayato demanded
     "Give me your  blood." He swung on her dresser table chair. Looking back at her. Wearing a dark blue jacket, a black shirt, and as usual. His ripped tie. Black pants, and boots.
        Yui, shocked to see him there all of a sudden asked him what's he's doing here, and he answered with. "I do want I want, when I want. Now give me your blood." At this, Yui wasn't feeling the brightest. She felt slightly faint and light. Her head swung slightly if, moved to fast. She got up and sped walked—or at least tried to—to the bathroom. Ayato, quickly grabbed her wrist, her waist and pulled her forward, ignoring Yui's protests. He decided and told her, that he'll leave bite marks down her collarbone and shoulder. In which, he did. He then sent her off, to the bathroom. Not wanting her to faint on him.
"And don't keep me waiting...pancake ." Ayato warned. Yui, grabbed her change of clothes then walked into the bathroom.
       She stood in front of the mirror. Peering at the red, throbbing marks. A splash brought her attention as she peered at the bite marks. Turning her pink eyes on the bath tube, and stolling over. She found Shu laying in the bath tub. His cardigan was off and his forrest green shirt was swaying on the clear water. His had prompt both off his arms against the rim of the tub.
"Shu, what are you doing?" Quizzed Yui, puzzled.
"Keep it down...not so loud. I'm just having a bath, thats all..." Murmured the eldest Brother.
Yui's brows tighten together. "But your still clothed..." She stated.
    "Alright then," Shu lazily said. "Undress me."
"Huh?" Stammered Yui
    Shu, questioned. "Didn't you come in here hoping to see me naked?"
  Crept out, Yui blurted. "Y-your wrong! Don't even suggest such a thing." Her blood began to heat. "I only became in here to take a bath myself."
    "You want to join me?" Shu teased.
Yui, shocked, quizzed. "Why would I want do that?"
    He smirked slightly. "Your blushing you know?" He closed his eyes again. "So tired." He muttered.
Yui voiced her question, that's been on her mind for some time. "Your all brothers. So why are you all so different." She wasn't expecting an answer. But she got one anyway.
   "We have different mothers." Explained Shu.
   "Reiji and I are from the same mother," Started Shu. "Ayato, Kanato And Laito are from another mother."
   "I had no idea." Yui, softly said. "Um, how about Subaru?"
"Shu sighed tiredly. "He's from yet another mother." Shu slipped in the water, going under. Yui grabbed Shu hand and tried to yank him up. He grabbed her wrist as a memory flicked alive.

A miniature version of Shu, stood in very formal ware. Almost sailor like. He stood, far away, but close enough to hear the cackling laughter of the red hot fire, eat houses, humans and families and friends. He stood, blank eyed staring. How? Why?... those questions buzzed as he knew that he could no longer see his best friend.

Yui broke the day dream. "SHU!"
"Edgar..." Murmured Shu.
  "Shu!...Shu!" Yui, breathed. As her wrist was gripped even tighter than before. Hard enough that a bruise would form. "You're hurting me!"
   "Let me...drink your blood." Shu didn't ask, but didn't demand. He pulled Yui in the bath tub, forcing water to splash.
   "what are you frightened?" Shu questioned. "your skin is pale...I bet if I bit it, it would spurt out red blood like a geyser. Heh, did ayato do that? he's such a posessive freak."
   "I thought you were..." Yui breathed, as her top's shoulder was pulled down. "I thought you were different...why?"
    Shu, said, all serious. "Make no mistake. I am a vampire. I will show you a new way of thinking." He sucked in air as, he prepared to bite her. In which made Yui burr her bottom lip. He said in a breathy voice. "Your blood is hot...I could get burned...You're getting excited? What a sick girl you are. You're temperature is rising now that fangs are on your neck." He teased
    "N-no." Denied Yui.
"I know why you came here now." Shu said as he bite her. "Your blood is of the finest quality." He threatened. "Think twice before trying to reach out to me again. Never forget."

"Pancake, You late." Ayato sat on Yui's bed, leaning back on his hands. "I'm thirsty. Let me suck your blood now."
Yui had changed into more comfortable clothing. A blue, warm jumper like dress and pink leggings.
Yui muttered, pressing a hand to her forehead while placing down her clothes from earlier today. "Ayato, this isnt a good time."
Ayato threatened. "You have no right to refuse me. Just submit to my feeding. What is this?" He asked as he had found bite marks in the side of Yui's neck. He fingers skimmed the mark, to see which brother had done said action.
   "Ow!..."Complained Yui
"Reiji? ...no it must be Shu's. That punk!" Mused Ayato..

In a room with a darts board, a pool table, couches and dim lights. Is where Ayato had brought Yui in a blink of an eye. Teleporting brought a new feeling in Yui's stomach. It made her feel like a bee. Her skin buzzed and her pink eyes swirled, dizzily. But her attention was brought by Ayato shouting.
In reply. Shu murmured. "Shut your hole..."
Ayato challenged. "I challenge you to darts."
Shu complained. "I don't wanna move."
      "Damnit!" Snarled Ayato
Laito had appeared, from behind Ayato and Yui. Who were standing by the couch. "sounds like fun! and for the prize winner of the game, the little bitch! Awe-some!"
      Yui questioned what she was but nobody answered since Reiji ad shown up. Disapprovingly.  "Enough with this noise...what is the meaning of this commotion?"
"I dont give a crap about her, so let me sleep will you?" Complained Shu.
       "I assumed he would say as much, he doesnt prefere to participate in challenges
If you were to look up lazy in the dictionary, his face would be right beside it, he can't do anything without help... waste of space." Reiji concluded.
There was a moments pause. Shu sat up and accepted. "Ayato...I accept."
     "If shu nails the next shot, you'll belong to d him little bitch." Teased Latio
"what? this is crazy!" Yui exclaimed.
Latio placed his hands on Yui"'a upper arms, squeezing tightly. "Now now, Prizes need to stay still."
Laito smirked at that. "woo! not bad! 80 points!
Right! here is your prize ONE little bitch!" Laito said happily. Shoving Yui into Shu. Who turned around and looked down at Yui, hatredly.
He said. "For me mortals are just somthing to feast on...as you have already learned, don't even dream of messing with me."

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