The Night School

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Couldn't find the Second Episode of DBL season 1, Full Thing. Sorry....
Warnings: Laito...(😂 Laito is a warning) And cursive words.

The last thing Yui remembered was, seeing Ayato's fangs close in on her. He and his five other brothers had found her in the spare room. Apparently, the one, she's wasn't supposed to find. The events of last night was still, making Yui's skin crawl. She sat up in her bed. A room, she didn't recognise. It was a large bedroom. A large double four poster bed, a bathroom, a chest of draws and a desk. More than enough space. Remembering last night, Yui quickly placed her hands on her neck, checking for any marks or tenderness. Luckily she found none. Sighing with relief, she noticed that what she was wearing was not one of her own. She wore a light pink, frilly end, night gown.
"How did this happen..." She asked herself. "I must find a way to contact Father." Yui, then remembered the diary and photo she had seen. A photo of a baby, version of Yui, cradled in her adoptive Fathers arms. "I have to know what this means Father, please tell me." She began to feel a tight squeeze in her chest. "Please come back home soon Father." Yui begged. About on the verge of tears.
That was until, a light seductive voice carried through her ears, belonging to Laito, one of the Sakamaki brothers. Red hair, green eyes, fedora hat, fur hoodie jacket under a blazer, white button up collared shirt, black pants. And that smirk, playing his face. "Crying isn't going to solve anything, little Bitch..." He sat at the end of her bed, leaning back on his hands.            "Your looking really sexy in that negligee (a night gown), you really do give off such delicious aroma." He started to creep forward, crawling on her bed. Making Yui, pull up her sheets. "I'm wondering if your trying to tempt me...Little Bitch" he sang.
  "W-what?" Yui exclaimed, confused and frightened. "But I jus—"
     "Hey! Don't touch what belongs to yours truly, without permission." Ayato had came into her room and pushed Laito away.
Who in return, Laito replied with, "Chill, Ayato. Don't need to be so rough..."
"Keep your hands off her, she's mine." Ayato claimed.
   "Stop it you two." Yui interfered, But was shocked to see that Reiji had also appeared.                "What's going on here? Hurry up or you'll be late." Ayato, looked over his shoulder and snarled in distaste, seeing his older brother, boss him around.
  "Shit...Not you again Reiji." Ayato muttered. Half facing the spoken male himself.
   "Aww, and I was having so much fun.."Complained Laito.
  "We're going somewhere this evening?" Asked Yui, interested. Reiji, explained bluntly, insulting Yui in the process, that she is going to night school and that she needs to adapt to the new routine.
      The three vampires then left, leaving Yui to get changed. But she thought and told herself that this is her chance to find the diary of her fathers. Still in her light, soft, pink negligee, Yui quickly wondered over to the door and pecked out, not seeing Ayato suddenly appear, asking her, if she needs help getting changed. Spooked, Yui refused him in a nice manner. And got changed.

Time found Yui in a limousine, taking her to night school with a bunch of predators of humans. The last place she could find herself, in any manner of mind. Being in silence, with no particular urge to speak with any of the brothers, she is bethorted to. Though as she has learnt, she is not an actual bride. Just a sacrifice. She sat patiently next to Ayato in the far corner of the limo. On the long side of the stretched car was, Kanato as per usual-was holding Teddy. Then it was Reiji, Laito. Opposite Ayato and Yui was Subaru and Shu. Laito was talking to Reiji about how he should've joined him and Ayato in Yui's room, this afternoon. Where, Subaru cursed under his breath, calling Laito a perve. Where, Laito, is. Yui, reverted to her own thoughts, talking to herself in her head. They're all brothers, right?Then why are they all so different? As her new position in life, Yui was interrupted by Ayato telling Yui that he is thirsty, while she had told not call her 'pancake'. They were stopped by Reiji and the encounter of a breath taking, enormous school. The immense bright lights of the school, reflecting on the tiles of the floor. Reiji just told Yui that she is in the same class as Ayato and Kanato. Threading her to be whipped, if she did anything wrong. Her eyes weren't as they were before they came and she felt helpless. She just didn't want to stay. It wasn't safe, nor was it friendly. She stood at the doorway, reading the black board.
"Food prep?" Questioned Yui. Ayato was slumped over his desk, and opposite him, on the same back row, was the power purple, lavender eyes of Kanato, holding Teddy on the table.
"Food prep?" Perked Ayato. He grinned, an idea flashing is mind.
"Now make me some Takoyaki." Commanded Ayato. Standing in one of the schools kitchens. "The best Takoyaki." He demanded.
"B-but I don't understand why?" Yui protested. "I can't believe I skipped my first class of school, making Takoyaki." She complained, watching as Ayato eat away.
"Mum...yummy." Ayato complimented. Savouring the octopus balls in his mouth. He told Yui to try some, to which she agreed to. "See? Told you."
"Yes, but the next class is starting soon, and I must clean up." Yui said, gathering the dirty and used bowls and spoons. She ran the water, starting to clean. "Ayato! Help, I only made Takoyaki because you told me so." Asked Yui, almost not asking.
She called Ayato again, turning around to face him. But finding him right behind her, he grinned. Frightened, shocked and scared. Yui ran over to the window seat. He strode over, defiantly. Not listening to Yui's protests to stop him. All he said was that her blood is his, nobody else's. Before tugging down Yui sleeves and biting into her shoulder. The pain was extreme. Like skin being pulled into a vacuum cleaner. Cold closed in her rosy eyes. And the last sight was Reiji scolding Ayato to 'refrain such things in his private quarters'. Before black consumed her eyes.
Waking up. Glimpsing a dull, open room. With pillars supporting the high roof. Yui, blinked to find Ayato holding her and caring her to a pool. Fear again, blossomed in her chest. He demanded Yui to stop squibbling over every little thing he does. Then throw her into the bright blue water of the pool. Yui, struggles to stay afloat, as she could not swim. "Ayato help! I can't swim! Help!" She begged, before losing strength and going under. Ayato was unfazed, until a flash back had reminded him of what it was like to drown.

Ayato Sakamaki, age unknown but little, around five to eight. Had defied his mother's rule of studying. So now he must be thrown and sunk to the bottom of the lake. The yellow sky peered over him, the little tress watched. As his mother, elegant but evil, had thrown her own son into the lake, and watch him plea for her to save him. But she did no such thing. Ayato was left, drowning in his overalls and white-cream shirt. Knowing that the purple, floor touching haired, pale skinned, green eyes. Of his mother left. Wearing a wonderfully made black dress. White frilled padding at the front. Laces up her right arms and purple long nails. Blood red lips.

Diving in Ayato, soften his have upon Yui, he held her limp arm and pulled her close. He then kissed her. Yui, opened her eyes to the soft touch on her lips. But then felt that horrible pain of blood being sucked out, as Ayato went to bite her neck. Blood swirling in the water. He brought her up, breaking the smooth water. Yui couched, relief and air flooded her chest, wave like. Couldn't get enough. Ayato's eyes were wild and frantic. But frankly, that was only the start of Yui's destiny.

Thank you xxx for sticking with this story. And waiting for the updates. I haven't exactly figured out a pacific time to set to update the story. But eventually I will. But thank you! The next chapter: The Challenge will be out soon!

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