Bicorn {7}

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Derek's pov***

So I slept like an angel last night. NOT. I woke up the next day feeling like I had pole wedged firmly up my ass the whole night. Yeah Luke cuz water is a great lube. I made my way downstairs to my living room which was spacious with white walls, coffee table, round brown couch, huge entertainment center with baskets at the top. I saw the dining room to see my family eating without me once again. 

"Good Morning, my oh beautiful family of mine" I said enthusiastically.

"Morning Derek. Breakfast?" My dad asked. 

"Oh yes please! thanks Papa Dukes." I said with a smile.

I sat down and decided to chat with my family a bit. There's my mom, Steph She has beautiful average length blonde hair, a beautiful smile, baby blue eyes. Stacy on the other hand has dark brown hair, green eyes, She's inherited my nose and my dad's olive skin color. My brother Jack was a bit on the husky side, white skin color just like my mom, short shaggy curly dark brown hair, with brown eyes same as my dad's. he didn't have the best smile but people usually saw into his heart first. He was my buddy, I got on his nerves, but he knows I would never let anyone hurt him. Then there was my Dad, Mike he had salt and pepper hair, brown eyes, olive skin color, and a soul patch. My mom worked as a dilivery driver. My dad as a GM with a store called sborro's. Pizza pretty much runs in the family. I dug into my bacon and eggs and started a convo.

"So Jack how's school been?" I asked.

"Alright. I'm cooking a lot of new things in Mr. Bell's class" Jack said.

Cooking is his passion. He goes to a high school where they train you for the world. which is importnant in this day and age. I was proud he was doing what he loved. 

"Cool beans, Hey, Is it cool Luke sleeps over tonight? I was wonder because we were going to go to the soccor field today to practice, then head back here to get some rest I hope that's alright with you." I asked my dad.

"Yeah. It shouldn't be a problem." Dad said.

"Sweet thanks Dad." I said.

I finished up my breakfast and made my way out the door when my dad stopped me.

 "Hey Derek. you do know If you ever wanted to talk to me or your mom about anything you'd tell us right? because we love you no matter what." my dad said.

"Yeah I know." I said leaving my house and grabbing my keys off the rack.

What the hell was that about, Did they notice how I was walking downstairs? Oh my god! They know. They're my parents of course they know they have a sixth sense about these things, But what my dad said weighed on me, I felt a little more open being who I am. Some people may find what I like only as a choice, To be honest I think that's total bullshit, I'm allowed to like who I want to.

Hell I should be proud of myself! Which is why I have something very special planned when I see Luke by his locker. I turned off my car and headed inside school to sign in, I made my way upstairs the lockers and saw Luke by his.

There were a lot people in the hall, boys, girls, even the three dickheads....You know who I mean. Thankfully I'm skilled in the ancient art of bitch-fu. When My boyfriend is skilled in the kick your ass type. We're so compatible I'm the brain he's the brawn. Maybe I'm a verse bottom. Getting fucked is fun in the literal sense.

"Hey there stranger, I have a something for you." I said with an evil smile, walking towards him.  

"Oh really? what do you ha-" I cut him off ass our lips collided with each other in perfect motion. I could hear girls screaming for more, and guys were groaning for it to stop, I was in heaven with this. For once in my life I did not give a single fuck.

Most people would kill for a mindset like mine. I bit his bottom lip his mouth allowing my tongue for entry and his mouth gladly ablidged. The screams got louder as I held him in my arms and banged him against the locker. The screams got a little louder and we broke apart. 

"I'm coming out I want the world to know, got to let show." I sang smiling.

Luke laughed showing of that prize winning smile of his. "Oh believe me I think they noticed. We shouldn't hide the beauty we share. I respect you for being who you are I don't care if you still like girls or not, I'm just glad your with me." He smiled again. Damn that smile though! 

"You're thinking about my smile aren't you?" Luke said.

"Who are you Sookie Stackhouse, Stop reading my thoughts." I said sarcastically.

"The sass is strong with this one" He said with a come back.

"Hey only I'm the master of Bitch-fu, you can use your fists of fury there Bruce Lee" I said laughing.

"Hello Derek or should I say fag in a half?" Charlie said with a grim smile.

"Oh look it's the male plastics, how are you cocksuckers doing today?" I said getting ready to get my grove on.

"Oh that's so funny, Being that you kind of sucked his first." He said. 

"Kinda like how I was you girlfriends first right? oh btw who is the She-witch doing?" I said.

"Don't you dare talk that way about Alisha!" Charlie yelled.

"Yeah what he said." Wes and Brian said from behind.

"Oh hello clones!" I said waving to the back as I got dirty looks. 

"Look we need to get to class and if you don't get out our way now. I'm going to end all of you. So move!" Luke growled.

"when your alone, we will find you and we will hurt you, and see how safe you'll be when your boyfriend isn't there" Charlie said with a dark grin. 

We both made our way through our classes holding each others hands. making it known we were together. We got done school and headed down to the soccer field. 


A.N. After much time not posting I want to say a big fat thank you to the people who have been voting my story and after a long awaited update. I give you chapter 7 I hope you like it. and thank you so much for reeading and beliieving in me. Enjoy!

Bicorn (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang