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Nylora P.O.V

My name is Nylora Ashley Moore, so ever since First Grade I had a crush on Damien Ashton Miller, he was my dream boyfriend. When ever I tried to look at him I got scared. What if he got me staring would he insult or will he just look at me in the same way, but then I thought to myself me been the poor kid can't associate myself with the rich kids.

I am now in High School , I am pretty tall ,have curly hair and brown eyes when stared into too long you might get enchanted but my tallness is no march to Damien. Maan that guy is too tall but I just don't care because he's got my dream guy height.

I am poor but I can't complain. Well we lack many things but my parent really thieve to get money to take care of us so eventually I got to go to the best High school in the world which I worked really have to get a scholarship but it was not fully paid. When I thought all hope was lost and I wouldn't be able to go to the school I was so sad but a miracle happened and I got enrolled to the school.

You might be asking how I got enrolled in one of the richest school in the world well my Grandpa Luke is rich like very rich but decided not to help our family because of what my mother did in her youth but we do not dare to ask her.

Well my grandpa decided to only help me because of what I did for him so he is help me get enrolled in the school so I ask my grandpa to make me a boarder so we don't waste much money on my transport but he said he didn't care of the expenses he will take care of it but I didn't want to take his gratitude for granted. It took me a lot of convincing but eventually he considered it for me.

*Skipping to school day*

OMG today is my first day at school and I'm so nervous to meet new people. I'm on my to school with my parents tagging alone and I must said they have not stop advising about what to do and what not to do, which is really funny since they are speaking at the same time and i don't know who to listen to. I could hold my laughter anymore so I laughed at really loud which made them stop talking and look at me.

When I realized they were look at me I tried to stop, when kinda sober we all started laughing together and this is what i love about my family, the quality time we spend together. It was then we knew we have already reached that we bid our goodbyes and went our separate ways, I was so gonna miss them.

I went straight to the administration block to get my schedule and room key, once I was done I head towards my room to get settled but when I enter no one was in the dormitory so I decided to make myself feel at home.

I was sitting on my bed when I took out my schedule, it was then I realize I have a class this moment with that I took off trying to find my class. and well I kinda got lost and guess what some girl helped me.

"Hello there, are you lost"

"Mmm if you don't mind me asking can you help me find my class or else I would be late for my first class"

"Well I don't mind at all can I have a look at your schedule"

"Ok" Thank God at least I won't be late for class. I gave it to her and she scanned through.

"So we have math class together and can be be friends my name is Precious what is yours?"

"Nylora and yes we can be good friends"

"Yeah right let's go before we are late for Mrs. Alison"

"Ok and thanks"

"Well any thing for my Bff"

"Aww you got me blushing "

"Lets go"

"Ok "

When we reach in front of our class Precious and I entered the classroom and I was trying really hard to escape my introduction to the class but I got caught by the Math teacher.

"Hello there,hope you are not trying to escape your introduction"

"No Madame" oh no I feel so embarrassed but I was ok until I saw Damien then I felt humility and disgraced in front of my crush arrrh will the earth just swallow me.

"Ok young lady what is you name and a little about yourself"

"My name is Nylora Ashley Moore and I just got a scholarship from my previous school to this school and I would love to make new friends" well you might be thinking how do I have a crush on Damien when I just transferred from my previous school to this school. Well I went to some poor school but when I will be going to school I would see Damien in those rich cars but I knew my grounds so I never went near him. But I would always crush on him from afar.

"Ok that wasn't so bad was it"

"Yes Madame"

"Ok will you stop with the Madame and call me Mrs. Alison."

"Ok Ma.... Mrs. Alison"

"Ok go take a sit will Damien ,Damien raised up your hands so Nylora go take your sit."

When he raise up his hands  I couldn't believe my eyes I am being placed to sit with Damien. I thought to myself why don't I say hi okay I am gonna do this well here goes nothing.

"Hello Damien, how are you and can we be friends?" Then Damien slowly turned his head towards my direction and make contact with me but what Damien said next was not what I expected from him.

"What do you want loser Nylora and no we can't be friends, while one, you are just a poor girl with no class at all, two I am rich so don't ever talk to me or you may face the consequences and three you don't get to mention my name"

The rage with which he spoke did not scare me but I was lost in my own imagination that he remembered my name.

"Damien how did you know my name,If you don't want me talking to you then why are sitting with me?" Did I just asked a stupid question.

"Who would not know the poorest girl in this school called Loser Nylora and I was ask to sit here not that I wanted to sit with the poor girl and do you have bad memories of the rules that I said"

"What rules" oh no I am going to get it now but it is not my fault that I don't remember, I was lost in my own imagination then, and Damien do you really have to call me poor and a loser every time that you spoke to me but that did border as long as I get to look at his face then I will do everything to make him happy , and when I looked into his eyes all that I saw was anger.

"Are you really asking me that question"

"Damien you did not answer my question"

"Oh really then listen very carefully cause I am not going to repeat myself to you again, I said you can't call me by my name or even call ....... "

" Damien, why can't I call you by name or even call you why do you really despise me that much that when I ......."

"Will you just stop talking since you have made it clear to me that you will not listen then when ever see me run away cause from now onward you are gonna feel and know the consequences of looking at me, talking to me, touching me"


"You are gonna pay for everything you ever did to me "

" Okay I will not talk to you again so you don't get angry" what is his problem I just wanted to talk to him.


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