C҉h҉a҉p҉t҉e҉r҉ 7҉

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*Suga's POV*

I was worrying about Jimin so much right now. I was stroking Jimin's hair and looking out the window. "Hey Suga hows Jimin Doing" said Jin from the seat in front of us. I looked away from the window and looked down at Jimin. I started panicking when I saw that he was unconscious and was blue. I gasped at what I laid my eyes on. Jin looked round at us and looked at me then Jimin. He also gasped at the unconscious Jimin and told Namjoon to hurry up and get to the hospital. He started driving quicker while Suga tried waking Jimin up. He didn't wake up though.

*5 minutes later*

*Still Suga's POV*

We arrived at the hospital. Namjoon was first out and ran inside the hospital to get help. Jin ran over to my door and opened it for me. We lifted Jimin out and started carrying him carefully towards the hospital. We saw nurses and doctors coming over with a bed and Namjoon behind them. We carefully placed Jimin onto the bed and watched them wheel Jimin into the hospital as we followed them. One nurse stopped us and told us to wait in the waiting room. I was angry at her but went anyway.

Jin was calling the others telling them what was happening while Namjoon was looking at the doctors and nurses taking Jimin away down a corridor quickly. I sat down on the chair worried about Jimin. Namjoon came over and sat beside me wrapping his arms around me. "He's going to be alright" Said Namjoon as he saw the panic in my eyes. Jin came back over and sat beside me.

*12 Minutes later*

*Namjoon's POV*

I was getting angry at how long they were taking and that no one had came to tell us what was happening. I stood up and walked over to the receptionist and asked what was happening with Jimin. She said "I'll go find out for you. Go and take a seat and I'll be right back with news for you". And she walked away down the corridor that Jimin was getting wheeled down on a bed. I went back to the others and told them that the receptionist was going to get info about Jimin. They nodded there head and waited.

I suddenly remembered that we were in the same hospital that Jungkook was in. I was wanting to go and tell him what happened but decided not to. The receptionist came over to us and asked us to follow her to a room. We stood up quickly and followed her. There was a doctor waiting for us outside a room. He told us to go and take a seat inside the room so we can talk. He opened the door for us and we walked inside.

It was a tiny room with a sofa and a chair for the doctor to sit on. We sat down on the sofa and I said "So what's happening doc?" He looked at me and the others and said "I've got a bit of bad news for you. I'll say the good news first though, Jimin is awake and he's doing fine" we all smiled at his response and Suga bowed at him while saying thank you. "No problem. Anyway here's the bad news. Jimin has asthma which is why he was struggling for breath and he also has this problem where he has panic attacks much easier than anyone else. He can have a panic attack at something that's bothering him and that can affect his breathing also.

We were upset about what he was saying but was happy that Jimin was awake. "Jimin has hypothermia from the rain and that's what triggered his panic attack and that also resulted in an asthma attack. He'll have to stay in hospital for the night so we can make sure he's alright and doesn't have another panic attack or worse". "Can we go and see him please?" Suga suddenly spoke up. "He's having a rest right now but you can go and see him if you want.

We thanked the doctor and he told us where Jimin was. We walked over to his cubicle and slide open the curtains. He was fast asleep but wasn't blue anymore. He had a few wires hooked up to him and had a mask over his face helping him to breath. We stood beside his bedside and Suga held his hand. I decided that I had to go and tell Jungkook what was happening. I told the others that I was going to tell Jungkook what was happening. Jin was calling the other members and Suga stayed beside Jimin. I started walking towards the elevators to go to the floor Jungkook was on.

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