C҉h҉a҉p҉t҉e҉r҉ 6҉

7K 116 26

*Bts POV*

When we arrived we opened the door and saw that Jungkook was not in his bed. Jimin started panicking and kept repeating "Where's Jungkook". Suga tried calming Jimin down. The others were worried but weren't panicking as much as Jimin.

Suddenly, a nurse came out from the bathroom in Jungkook's room and asked what was wrong. "Where's Jungkook" asked Jimin not panicking as much now. The nurse looked confused and said looking at Rm "Didn't you get a phone call from the hospital?" Rm shook his head. "Well I've got some good news for you then" she had a smile on her face now.

All the members looked at her waiting for her to speak. "This morning we went to check on Jungkook and we saw that he was awake" she said. All the members started smiling and Jimin stoped panicking and started crying. Tae who had tears in his eyes hugged the crying Jimin and started crying too. The nurse went back into Jungkook's bathroom to get Jungkook. We were confused why she left him alone but didn't think much of it as we were to happy that he was awake.

Suddenly a different nurse walked out of the bathroom and turned back around to face the bathroom. Then we saw the nurse from earlier helping Jungkook walk out the bathroom. Jungkook lifted his head towards and smiled showing off his adorable smile to the members. Jimin started sobbing loudly while walking over to Jungkook to hug him. Jungkook opened his arms for Jimin and hugged him. Jungkook got teary as well as the other members. They all joined the hug.

The nurse told them to be careful as Jungkook wasn't fully better yet. The stopped the hug and let the nurse take him back to his bed. He sat down slowly onto the bed with help from the nurses. Jungkook scrunched his face at the pain. "Jungkook will be in pain for a few days as he got punched quite hard in the stomach so he'll be taking medicine to help him cope with the pain and he'll be needing help around the house for a day or two" the nurse told us and then her and the other nurse left us alone with Jungkook.

*Jungkooks POV*

The nurses helped me sit down on my bed. I felt a sudden pain in my stomach which made me scrunch up my face at it. They lifted my legs onto the bed for me and then left. Jimin rushed over to me and sat on the chair right next to my bed. He grabbed my hand and held it while becoming teary again. He looked at me in the eyes and said "Jungkook how are you feeling" I told him that I felt fine but was still a bit sore from the accident. The others were standing at the other side of my bed. I was happy that I was back with my hyungs.

They decided to go home after 30 minutes. Jimin refused to leave and said he wanted to stay for a bit longer so he'll get a taxi home. They agreed and let him stay. They all said bye to me and left to go back to the dorm. Jimin started sobbing loudly now digging his head into my bed making the covers wet with tears. "I really missed you Jungkook. I cried myself to sleep every night thinking about you because I was so worried that something terrible would happen to you. I got hardly any sleep at all and was always the first one awake". He spoke with his face in the covers. "I missed you to Jimin. I thought of bts when I woke up this morning and was missing you's so much too". I said making Jimin look up at me with tears in his eyes.

Jimin smiled at me letting out a cute little laugh too. I smiled back at him while getting teary because of him again. We were holding each other's hand for like 20 minutes but I felt tired after that. I told Jimin to go back home as I wanted to rest. He didn't want to but he decided to let me rest. He kissed my forehead and said "I love you Kookie" I smiled at him and said that I love him too. He let go of my hand and went over to the door to leave. He looked back and me once more and said waved. I waved back at him with a smile. He smiled back and then left. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*Jimins POV*

I decided to just walk home as it was only like 10 minutes away from the hospital. I started my walk home. About 30 seconds into the walk it started raining heavily. I started running home so I wouldn't get that soaked. I stopped running after 5 minutes to catch my breath. I was shaking because it was so cold and I was out of breath from running. I started walking home in the freezing rain. Finally I could see the dorms. I sprinted over to them and went inside.

When I got inside I sat down on the sofa feeling like I had hypothermia from the rain. I didn't realise that Jin was still awake. He walked out of the bathroom and noticed me shaking rapidly soaked from the rain. He ran over to me and asked what happened. "I I decided t to walk back as I it w was c close to t the hospital" I couldn't speak properly because I was so cold. Jin ran to get some blankets for me. He came back with two blankets for me. He put them over me trying to warm me up but it didn't work as I was still shaking rapidly. My skin was also turning really pale.

Jin went to the medicine cupboard to get the thermometer for me. He came back and placed it under my tongue. Jin had to hold it still as I was shaking to much. It started beeping and Jin took it out my mouth. He looked at it in shook and then stared at me worriedly.

He quickly ran off to get Suga to help him. I sat there alone rapped in blankets freezing to death. It felt like an eternity before Jin came back through with Suga. Suga ran over to me worriedly. He looked down at me on the sofa. He sat beside me pulling me over onto him to make me warmer while Jin was thinking of what to do. Suga kept saying things to comfort me but it wasn't working as I started panicking worse than earlier today. I started to gasp for air it was that bad. Jin looked round towards me and starting panicking too. "Go Get Namjoon Now!" Shouted Suga trying so hard to make me not panic but without success. Jin ran as fast as he could to Namjoons room. They came through really quickly and straight over to me.

I was still gasping for air as I felt my chest get tighter and tighter from the coldness. Jin showed Namjoon the thermometer and Namjoon suddenly said "Hospital Now". He helped Suga lift me out the front door to the car. Jin went to tell the others what was happening and told them to stay behind and they'll call them. They put me in the back on the car and Suga sat in the back placing a blanket over me and putting my head on his lap. Jin ran out of the dorm and went into the passenger seat and Namjoon drove them towards the hospital.

Hope you enjoyed it.
Soz that I couldn't post it ages ago but I forgot the password to this acc x

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