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"Sorry!" Midoriya yelled as he ran closer to Todoroki, out of breath.
"Something came up."

Todoroki sighed and passed a water bottle to him. Midoriya looked up and grabed the bottle, chugging it really fast. He handed it back to Todoroki. "Thanks, Todo! How was your day?"

"Fine. " Todoroki responded. Midoriya smiled and decided he would do the most talking. Like always.

"Well, mine has been chaotic!" Midoriya cheerfully said. "It was busy at the cafe but I always love to meet new people. So it wasn't a bother. Oh! My parents called. It's been a while since I've seen or talked to them, so it was shocking. We are having a family dinner and I'm so excited! I think they have good news to share!"

"Good." Todoroki said before walking to his bike. "Come on." He said as he got on and waited for Midoriya.



"Aaah! How does your couch always feel so nice? It's like a bed. I can sleep here and never wake up!" Midoriya said as he jumped and landed stomach down on Todoroki's living room couch. "Hey. Do you have plans for today? Don't you have work?"

"No. They canceled today."

"Ooh. Sometimes I forget that your an actor. It scares me!"

"How?" Todoroki asks confused. Like if what Midoriya said was a very hard janga puzzle. Midoriya sits up on the couch and pats the spot next to him. Todoroki walks over and sits.

"Well. You are very handsome. Very talented. Smart. Friendly. Caring. Calm. Responsible. And many more good things but, you lack self confidence, and determination. It seems as if you don't have a goal. So it just makes me wonder how you were the main actor for three movies!"

"Mhm." Todoroki says and looks directly in Midoriya's eyes. "What is your goal?"

"I-i don't really know yet." Midoriya says. He sighs and gets up, stretching his arms. "So I'm meeting my parents in about an hour. Wanna help choose my outfit?" Midoriya asks with a smirk, knowing that Todoroki has this secret passion for fashion.



"Ahhh! If it isn't my son!" Ms. Midoriya says in delight. "Ooh. Look at how much you've grown!"

"Hi mom! Hello." Midoriya says as he looks to his mom then to his stepfather.

"Hello, Izuku."

Midoriya bows. "Okay, how about we take a seat and order some food." Ms. Midoriya says as she feels the tension.They all sit down in silence. Akward silence.

"So, Izuku. How have studies been?" Ms. Midoriya asks trying to start a conversation. "Is Shouto helping you. Oh, how has he been? You both are still friends, right?"

"Oh, umm. School is good! Todo has been helping me but I'm okay with what we are currently learning. He is doing well. Obviously, we are still friends, have been since childhood."

"Good, good."


"We actually have something very important to say, Izuku." Midoriya's stepfather suddenly says. Midoriya nods his head for him to continue. "Well, you see. We plan on going to the U.S. We thought we needed a vacation. So, we are leaving the house to you. "

"W-what? But you guys just got here! When are you guys leaving?"

"Tomorrow. We already packed."

"W-when will you be back?"

"In around two months."

"T-two months?"

"Yes. So we are leaving the house to you, like always."


"Izuku, we need this. Please take care of yourself and make sure to eat everyday. Don't over due it. And stay happy. Okay?"




"I know right. I can't believe that just when they come back, they wanna leave again. I think somehow he convinced my mom to go along with this. Ugggh!" Midoriya threw himself on to Todoroki's bed. After the dinner with his parents, Midoriya just couldn't go to sleep, so he walked all the way to Todoroki's house. (Which is in the same neighborhood.) Todoroki let him in and has spent almost an hour just listening to Midoriya go on and on about how bad his, so called, father was.

"Thanks, Todo."

"For what?"

"For letting me stay the night and for hearing me go on about my problems. And for everything that you have done for me. You are my best friend and I don't think I'll still be alive today, if it wasn't for you." Midoriya smiled as he looked down at Todoroki sleeping on the floor, with some blankets. Todoroki gave the bed to Midoriya without letting him saying anything against it.


"Your welcome."

They both smiled. Knowing that they have each other.

"Good night, Midoriya."

"Good night, Todo."

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