21 | Favour

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"HAVE YOU BEEN able to get into contact with Mr. Giordano today at all?"

Nyla looked up from the meeting minutes she had been reviewing. "No why?"

"I've faxed a couple of documents, but nobody is responding." Hyeon admitted.

"Did you call the secretary? Or Vincent?"

Hyeon rolled her eyes. "I really hate calling her, she's such a bitch."

"Hyeon," Nyla admonished, but there was a small smile on her lips. "She's only rude to you because Darius made the idiotic mistake of praising your efficiency in front of her. It seems like she really took it personally."

Hyeon smiled from ear to ear. "I really am the best, aren't I?"

"You are." Nyla admitted.

"So, you'll be giving me a raise soon?" Hyeon asked hopefully.

Nyla laughed and shook her head. "That won't work."

Hyeon looked crescent fallen but Nyla knew it was partially a joke. "Tell you what, come to me after Christmas and we can talk about it."

Hyeon winked. "Can't wait."

"Contact Darius' office as well!" Nyla shouted at her retreating figure.

She heard Hyeon mumbling under her breath, but she was too far to hear what she had to say. The woman was probably still annoyed about having to contact Darius' secretary. Nyla continued working on her files. They had reopened the facility where the incident took place last week and she was personally overlooking all the safety measures. It seemed so far, everything was going smoothly, and they were about a month away from launching the vitamins.

Nyla wanted it to be ready in time for a New Year's launch so they could capitalize on the whole 'new year, new me' theme but Darius wanted it pushed till Valentine's Day so it could be a good gift for one's significant other. Nyla had told him if anyone gifted their partner vitamins on a day where chocolates and flowers were tradition, they might as well shoot themselves in the heart. The two of them had gone back and forth before Nyla winning the round.

She was really hopping that everything would be able to be complete on time.

"So, I got some scoop." Hyeon said appearing in the doorway with a tray of food.

Nyla looked at the heap of food on the plate and raised an eyebrow. "One would say you could more than a scoop."

Hyeon placed the plate of pasta in front of Nyla. "It seems like Mr. Hunk is officially out with the flu. He hasn't been in the office since yesterday. He was puking in the C-Suite bathroom yesterday."

Nyla lowered the bite she had been about to take and winced. "I didn't really need to know that while I was eating."

"Olivia was super bitchy about it as always. 'It's company policy, I can't give you confidential information'." Hyeon mimicked her. "Apparently, Vincent hasn't come into the office either, so things are pretty chaotic at G-Health."

Nyla felt a kernel of sadness for Darius. That man couldn't even be sick without things getting ugly. She was truly lucky to have an excellent team surrounding her that could pick up the pieces whenever she was gone. Which she rarely was anyways.

"What do you want me to do with the documents?"

Nyla pointed to an empty space in the corner of her desk, "Just leave them here."

Hyeon did so, leaving Nyla to eat her lunch in peace. She went through a couple of phone calls, attended division head meetings, and added more things to her schedule. By the time she was done everything, it was around seven o'clock. She was exhausted and just wanted to crawl into bed. However, the documents in the corner of her desk seemed to be glaring at her.

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