13 | Bridal Shower

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NYLA'S FINGERS CURLED around the mug and she took another sip of the green tea. She was snuggled up in her office looking over a couple of files. The sun shone brightly through the windows and she was momentarily blinded.

Her office was quite different from the rest of the condo. It didn't have the same modern, eloquent look that the rest of the space did but that's what made it special. While Nyla had hired an interior designer to set up the rest of the space, the office was something she'd done herself.

The walls were white for most of the part, but a feature wall was coloured a deep grey, outlining a map of the rest of the world. Nyla had plotted black stars for places she'd visited. Highlighted in gold were her favourites. She had a comfortable couch and plenty of throw pillows. Most of her weekends were spent in here so she'd gone for a homier look.

As Nyla reviewed the meeting minutes once more, her phone buzzed. She picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Nyla," she said answering the phone.

"Are you ready yet?"

Nyla frowned. "For what?"

"It's Karishma's bridal shower today."

"That's wonderful, but I'm not going to that. Do send her a present though." Nyla said absentmindedly.

"I've sent Anthony to get you, he will arrive in an hour."

"Are you not listening to me, I'm not going."

Hyeon ignored her. "He also has the gift, so you don't have to worry about it. The invitation says the theme is pastel colours so I think the light blue cocktail dresses you wore to the company's summer party will fit."

Nyla put down the paper in front of her. She couldn't focus anymore. "Why are you so insistent that I go?"

"Because you need to have fun," her assistant said. "As much as it is nice seeing you work so hard, you need a break and what's better than a few drinks with some old friends?"

"I can think of a thousand things better."

Hyeon ignored that as well. "Remember to have enjoy yourself. Oh, and smiling is not a crime."

Before Nyla could retort back, Hyeon hung up the phone. She glanced up at the brass clock—she didn't have much time. Since Nyla hadn't expected to be going out anywhere, she'd kept things casual. Guess it was time for her to change. Closing the folder, she stood up—she needed to take a shower, and fast.


Nyla stared at the building from the car. A funny feeling was building up inside her. "I'm going to throw up."

Anthony spun around, and his worried eyes met hers. "It will be fine, it's just a bunch of ladies. How bad can it get?"

Nyla took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "Bad Anthony, I don't know these girls and I'll be alone."

"Think of it like a networking party." Her driver consoled her. "You just have to smile, be polite and work around the room. I know you can do that."

"That's actually a smart way to think of it."

Anthony shot her a smile, "Now get out and have some fun. If you need to be picked up, give me a call."

Nyla nodded and stepped out of the car. The building she was standing in front of looked rustic but held a certain charm. A doorman was standing right outside the building.

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