01 | Bid

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NYLA SIPPED THE champagne in silence. She didn't quite have an appreciation for the taste, but after everything she went through the last week, she thought she deserved it. White wine was what she preferred. The citrus flavours and strong dose of alcohol made it the ideal companion for a night in—or out.

Her eyes wandered the room, drinking in the sight of the New York's most influential people gathered there. Multiple people approached her throughout the evening and finally, after being introduced to the twentieth person Nyla had decided to plan her escape. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun which was making her head throb. Normally, she was used to the pain but the added stress of what she needed to do was the beginning of a migraine.

Out of the corner of her eye, Nyla saw the flash of a black tuxedo and she knew she had found her target—Marcus Reed. Black buzzed off hair, dark skin, shiny shoes, devastatingly handsome—it matched the description her assistant provided her perfectly.

Now, all she needed to do was find a way to introduce herself and make a statement. The man was surrounded by dozens of people and if she went to introduce herself right now, he would surely forget her.

"He's taken," a voice said from beside her, startling Nyla to the point in which she almost dropped her champagne glass.

She turned around to face a pair of stunningly greyish-blue eyes which looked almost white in the current lighting.

"I'm not looking for a date," she replied calmly.

The man beside her snorted. "Said every girl before they go for the kill."

Nyla didn't like his condescending attitude, but she let it go. Her patience had grown exceptionally in the last few years—especially with men. She could handle him just fine.

A waiter came, and Nyla placed her now empty glass on the tray. "I have other business with him."

The man looked at her slowly and Nyla knew her was checking her out. She stood frigid while he did so, knowing that she looked her best this evening. Then, he made a point to glance at all the other women surrounding her target. "It's a tough competition, but I think you could get a chance."

Nyla gritted her teeth. "I appreciate the unwanted advice Mr..."

"Giordano, Darius Giordano." The man supplied before starching out his hand.

Nyla took it and that's when the truth hit her, and she began laughing.

Darius raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure my name isn't that funny."

"No," Nyla said. "But that way you were talking all makes sense now. Your Darius Giordano, CEO of G Health."

It had taken her a moment to recognize him since they weren't technically in the same industry, but she'd seen his face plastered on enough magazines the past year.

Darius looked at her in an annoyed manner. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Nyla shook her head, "nothing, just forget I said anything."

She tried making her way out of the conversation, but Darius blocked her way. Nyla took a deep breath, "I'm going to give you ten seconds to move out of my way before I bring you down."

Darius' face didn't move an inch as he took in her threat. "I want to know what you meant by what you said earlier."

Nyla sighed. It appeared as though she would miss her chance to talk to Marcus if she didn't answer Darius question. "Nepotism. Your father handed over the reigns to his company after he died. You didn't have to work for anything, everything falls at your feet. Women throw themselves at you, and you clearly believe that I'll do the same. You talk how you want to, act how you want to, and clearly don't give a shit about respecting others."

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