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I had ran past Carter and up the stairs and down the hall once I entered the room I slammed the door shut and locked it and slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I stayed like that for hours the guys tried to get me to come out and eat dinner but I didn't want to look at Carter's face. Once I felt like the guys would be sleeping I snuck out of the room and headed downstairs and into the kitchen and made me some sandwiches and grabbed a can of coke. As I was eating in the dark sitting on the table I heard noise behind me as I turned around to see Carter walking towards me as he asked "What took you so long to come down?" I just couldn't answer him I turned away and went back to eating it was time I put things back the way it was me and him hating each other I watched as he came in front of me and pushed his way in between my legs. He was smiling as he leaned in and started kissing my neck as I tossed my sandwich down and pushed him away I saw his face as he yelled "What the fuck is your problem?" I jumped down from the table and walked away as I replied "See you in the morning Carter." Carter grabbed me by my arm before I made it into the bedroom as he pushed me against the wall as he smashed his lips on mine I gave in and kissed him back. I left tears fall from my eyes trying to remember this as my last kiss from him I can feel him wanting more but I wasn't going to give him anymore I felt his tongue on my lips asking for entrance. My mouth opened and his tongue went in and as it did I knew he could taste the salty taste from my tears I opened my eyes to see his open and him pull back as he looked at me trying to find out what was wrong. I leaned in and kissed his cheek and said "Goodnight Carter see you in the morning."

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