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The car ride seemed to last forever and was very quiet the whole way to the hotel Carter just seemed a lot different then before. I wasn't sure if it had to do with me or something happened but it kind of freaked me out some. After being in the car for about 3 hours we finally pulled into the hotel parking lot Carter parked the car as he got out and said "Wait here I'm going to go check in and get the key." I got out of the car and went to the back of the range and grabbed my bags and took them out and placed them on my shoulders as I heard Carter say "Alright slow poke I'm going to go open the doors and make sure you get my bags." I roll my eyes and grab his bags and close the trunk and headed to the room with the door open as I walk in and notice there is only one bed I place the bags down and look at Carter as I ask "What is this? I thought you got two beds." He looks at me as he shakes his head and replies "No you can do fine sharing a bed with me plus our parents said we have to get closer and bond." I shake my head as I close the door and grab my bag and head to the other side of the bed as I say "Yes they said bond not for us to have sex." He laughed as he turned the tv on and replied "Oh trust me freak your not my type to sleep with and your a virgin which means sex will suck." My eyes grew big at the words that left his mouth as I grab my phone and head outside and walk a few feet away from the room and sit on the ground and start to play a game on my phone. As I'm playing the game I hear footsteps so I look up to see a cute looking guy walking to me as he asks "What are you doing out here alone pretty?" I smile at his words as I watch him sit down and reply "I'm not alone I was forced to go on a road trip with dip shit who I'm sure you will meet soon." He laughed at what I said as he leaned forward to see what I was playing so I turned some so he could get a better look. As I was playing he leaned closer to a point where I could smell his cologne I couldn't help but smile as I asked "So what yours excuse for being here?" He looked up and turned to me as he replied "Dad got a job offer so we are on the road to Miami."

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