1; Green Light

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MAEVE TURNED OFF HER COMPUTER, shut the lights, and opened her curtains. The moonlight was shining on her ivory skin. Her eyes were red, she had some dark circles and her hair was an oily mess. She massaged her temples, finishing an entire game in one day was quite the tiring achievement. The clock read 3 am, but she only thought it was dinner time. 'I guess time flies when you're having fun.' she thought to herself. She opened her balcony slider door an let the cool New York air in. New York never sleeps; even at this time, the city was booming with car noise and chatter from way below her 17th-floor apartment. Maeve brushed back her soft, dark brown hair and turned around. Only to see a bright light from behind her through the shadows on her wall. It was too bright, even for city lights, and it was green. She turned around to see a huge blast on the next block. Maeve stepped backward until her spine pressed up against the cold wall.

Maeve had never felt fear like this since half of the universe was wiped out (which was a year ago.) And after what had happened, she hoped to God that it was nothing as bad as that. She looked away from the green light and rushed to close her balcony door. Then she scurried to her living room, picking up her small dog and running out the door as quick as her weak legs could carry her. She was born with a weak heart, and she was never an athletic person, so when she got to the ground floor, she collapsed on the sidewalk. The small Shiba Inu puppy in her arms looked up at her, tilting his head to the side as if he was showing her he was confused. Maeve was terrified as she looked out the lobby window. People were running in all directions from the light, and it seemed like the Avengers had finally came to save the day.

Or what was left of them.

She ran out the deserted lobby and to the opposing direction of the light, only to be knocked off her feet by another blast, a purple one.

"I got you, ma'am!" A muscular arm reached towards Maeve. Carrying her on his back, he ran back to the quinjet, "Wait!" Maeve yelled, stopping him.

"My dog, please,"

He set her down in the seat of the plane and jumped back down, the dog was hiding under fallen debris of what used to be a billboard sign. The puppy backed away from the man at first, but then as the earth beneath them rumbled, it jumped into his arms. When he got back to the quinjet, he looked around to find the girl, but she was passed out on one of the parachute seats. "She's tired, Buck. I-Is that a dog?" Sam said, smiling at the soldier. "Yeah," Bucky replied, looking down at the tiny, terrified dog, who was curled up in his arms. It was quite a funny sight. Such a big man holding a cute little dog. Bucky set the dog down beside its owner and stared at them. Bucky chuckled, "You know, you'd immediately realize that a tiny little dog like that would belong to someone like her, she's so tiny."

Bruce walked in, holding a device that looked like a receipt scanner. "I'm going to scan this civilian to see if she got affected by radiation from the blast. Ever since last year, these blasts have been popping up all over the world, and I'm scared that these ones have been the most devastating." He said. As soon as the scanner reached the girl, it went berserk. Bruce swiped it away, and it was still beeping like crazy. He adjusted his glasses and look at it in horror. "What's the matter, Banner?" Sam asked. The three men stared at the scanner, two of them not really knowing the true nature of the scanner going crazy. "Unbelievable!" Bruce exclaimed in astonishment. He made a double take at the girl, to make sure he was seeing it correctly.

"Judging by how tiny she is, this amount of radiation should have killed her by now, it should have killed ANYONE by now!"


Maeve woke up in a glass room, with wires attached to her veins. She didn't hear the men talking outside the glass cage. From the big body and the green skin, she could tell that he was The Hulk, and when she looked at the man holding Captain America's famous shield, she could tell it was Sam Wilson. The third man was the one that saved her, and she couldn't have forgotten about him. His metal arm gripped the right of the glass table as he seemed to be immersed in a hologram about what Maeve assumed to be her vital signs.

"Hello?" She called out weakly. The three men stopped whatever they were doing and all of their eyes shot up to her. The Hulk pressed a button on the table, "You're awake. How are you Miss Conner?" Maeve pressed two fingers to her forehead. "Other than a killer headache, I'm fine. What am I..doing here?" She replied.

"After the blast, you survived an abnormal amount of radiation, while others in as close proximity to the area as you were, perished."

"How about Suki?! My dog?" She asked, a sudden wave of panic and dread washing over her. Hulk went silent for a moment, before speaking again, but this time in melancholy.

"Sadly...it didn't make it."

Tears filled her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. Maeve was never one to reveal her true emotions. "I see," she quietly muttered to herself, but loud enough for the men to hear. "I'm sorry," another man said. "I'm Sam, Sam Wilson. And the man beside me is Bucky Barnes. He's the one that saved you." Maeve turned to look at her hero, only to find him staring intently at her before looking away after he realized she had caught his gaze.

"Thanks for saving my life, sir."

Bucky sent her a smile, and his eyes trailed back to his feet. He looked on as if those shiny, black boots were the most interesting things in the world.

"It's no problem, Miss Conner."

FORTUITY ☆ B.BARNES ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora