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chapter eight;

chapter eight;trust

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"AWE JUNIOR. YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK YOUR OLD MAN'S HEART" Tony said sarcastically. Ultron, Wanda and Pietro turned around.

"If I have to" he said. Faint white orbs started to come out of Lucy's palm. Lucy glanced at Pietro and Wanda who had a shock expression in their face. "Ah, of course you'd change sides, won't you?" Ultron said. Lucy glanced at the robot and smirked.

"If you think that I'd listen to a talking robot, you're out of your mind" she smiled. Ultron frowned at her comment and Tony chuckled.

"Ah, yes. He's funny" Pietro said, stepping up. He glanced over at Lucy, who quickly looked away. "Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable?" he asked. "Like old times?" he asked.

"This was never my life" Tony stated.

"You two can still walk away from this" Steve said. Lucy turned to the twins.

"Oh, we will" Wanda said sarcastically.

"You're being awfully quiet" Ultron said. Lucy looked up at him and noticed that everyone turned to her.

"And what about it?" she said.

"Well, I've been keeping your secret for a while now and I'm debating wether or not to spill it out" Ultron said. Lucy raised her eyebrows and chuckled.

"I'm an open book" she said.

"Are you sure about that, Stark?" Ultron asked. Lucy's eyes widened. She turned to Tony.

"Stark?" Pietro and Wanda said in unison. Lucy turned to them and see both hurt and confusion in their eyes. Lucy gulped and turned to Steve who nodded in comfort. "So that's why you're siding on their side, huh? You're HIS daughter and you've been lying to us all this time!" Pietro yelled.

"You're unbelievable" Wanda said, shaking her head in hurt. Tears started to form in Lucy's eyes as she sees the disappointment and tears in Wanda and Pietro's eyes. She never wanted it to end this way. She shouldn't even be crying, she's not the victim here. Pietro and Wanda are. She's the one who has been lying to them the whole time.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows.

"Sorry? You're sorry?" Pietro yelled. "That's it?" he asked. Lucy opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Tony.

"Okay. What's the Vibranium for?" Tony asked. Lucy stepped back and shifted uncomfortably, feeling both Pietro and Wanda's gaze on her.

"I'm glad you asked, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan" Ultron said. Lucy jumped in front of Tony just in time before Ultron could get to Tony, and white orbs started to form on her palm, creating a shield bubble around them.

"I got you, dad" she smiled. Lucy was too busy controlling the energy that came out of her to notice the shock and pride that formed in Tony's face.

"That's how you do it!" Tony yelled, chuckling. Lucy channeled those energy and aimed it towards Ultron, knocking him down. The bubble of shield around her dissolved. "Proud of you, sweetheart" Tony said, before launching himself towards Ultron who was already doing the same thing.

A grin formed on Lucy's lips. Those words are exactly what she needed. Lucy glanced to her right to see Steve and Thor fighting Ultron's army of robots. Thor flipped the robot over his shoulder, possibly killing it. Lucy could feel Pietro running towards her, Thor and Steve. The silver light knocked her down, a groan escaped her lips. "Lady Lucy's down!" Thor yelled. Lucy rolled her eyes and stood up.

"I'm fine" she said. Lucy turned to her right to see Wanda knocking Steve with her energy. Lucy was too late to prevent it, and Steve flew to the end of the hallway. Lucy turned to Wanda and shook her head. "Don't do this" she said. Wanda rolled her eyes and laugh bitterly, as Pietro appeared on her side. "You think Ultron has your back? No, he doesn't. He's using both of you, you have to trust me on this one!" Lucy said.

Pietro furrowed her eyebrows. "Trust you?! You really expect us to trust you after everything?!" he yelled. Lucy shook her head. Lucy opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the sound of gunshots and men running. Wanda quickly walked away to fight the guys that were shooting Ultron's army. Lucy sighed and right before Pietro ran off, Lucy stopped him.

"I know I hurt you, but this isn't the way of it. Ultron is going to destroy everything, Pietro, please let me help you!" Lucy said. Pietro shook his head before he ran off. Lucy sighed and noticed the army of robots and men with gun running towards her direction. White orbs of energy formed on her fist. Lucy waited as she felt the amount of energy was enough. It took a while for her to gather the energy, and both the robots and guns were pointing at her.

Lucy waited for all of them to be close enough to her before slamming her fist against the metal surface. The ground shook as the energy that was being released knocking every single robots and armed men. "Holy shit, Lucy!" Natasha's voice yelled from the top floor.

Lucy held up a thumbs up, as she felt the energy slowly drowning from her body. Doing those things takes up most of the energy inside of her body. Lucy grasped onto the metal railing before falling on her back. Before her head hit the ground, both Thor and Steve was already there to held her up. "Are you okay?" Steve asked.

Lucy held up her thumbs up and nodded. "Just a little... tired" she whispered.

"Are you sure?" Thor asked.

"My energy's just drained, that's all. Just.. need a little sleep" she whispered, yawning. Steve nodded.

"We'll take you to the Quinjet, Bruce is there. We'll finish the rest of the job, okay?" Steve said. Lucy only had the energy to nod. As Steve was about to pick her up, both Wanda and Pietro appeared behind them. Lucy pointed at the twins behind them, as Steve didn't notice. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" he asked.

Lucy pointed at the figure behind him, but it was too late. Wanda hypnotized both Thor and Steve. Their eyes turned red and the two stood up and walked aimlessly, leaving Lucy behind. "No.. Steve.. Thor.." Lucy tried to call them out, but all that came out was a whisper. Her eyes started to get heavy.

The last thing she remembered seeing was the face of her two former friends surprisingly walking away, sparing Lucy the pain of seeing her darkest fears.


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