"Try to keep the bedroom jokes to a minimum, Roman." Logan said sternly, raising an eyebrow. Roman nodded.

"Fine. I'm gonna take a lap- is that okay?" He asked. Virgil nodded, as did the two handlers.

"Stay within the pasture, please. Sassafras likes to jump, so she may try to once you hit the fence." Tony explained.

"Noted. Is there a pace she's more comfortable with?" Roman asked. In the meantime, Patton had wandered over to Bo and started petting him, humming and whispering softly to him. Cassie chuckled softly.

"Bo likes you," she commented. "You wanna ride him?" Patton looked up at her and nodded excitedly. "Alrighty! Does your friend wanna help you up, or do you want me to?" Patton looked at Logan, suddenly nervous.

"Can Logan help too...?" He asked softly. Cassie nodded, smiling comfortingly.

"Of course." She beckoned Logan over with a hand. "Now, hold on to- Logan, is it?" Logan nodded in response. "Hold onto Logan's shoulder, and gimme your hand." Patton does as told, squealing as she lifts him up and taps his leg, then swinging it over to sit in the saddle. "Is there anything uncomfortable?" Patton shook his head.

"Hi- oh my gosh, he's so big, what if I hurt him?" Patton looked at Logan worriedly. Logan chuckled.

"They are horses bred for being ridden, Patton, they will not be injured by you." He stated. Cassie nodded, petting Bo's neck.

"WHOO!" Roman yelled, then flicking the reigns and putting Red-Hot Sassafras into a full gallop. Patton giggled, gently kicking his feet excitedly, accidentally setting Bo into motion. He squealed and clung to the reigns, looking at Cassie, who laughed softly.

"Just keep yourself balanced. As you go faster, keep yourself level with the horse- look how your friend is settled," she gestured to Roman, who was now full-on sprinting across the fields. Patton watched closely, getting more comfortable with the slow walk of his own horse.

Logan looked up as a horse nudged his head, turning to see Virgil sitting on Felicity.

"You gonna get on, or are you gonna be a wuss?" He asked. Logan rolled his eyes.

"I will get on, but I am not speeding like Roman." He chuckled and walked over to Majesty. "May I have assistance?" He asked Tony, who nodded and helped him up.

"Logan, look look look!"

Logan glanced over at Patton, who was now in a trot and going in semi-large circles. He chuckled and padded over near him, stopping a few feet within Patton's circling range.

"Nice job, Pat!" Roman yelled as he raced past, slowing down by Virgil and circling to a halt. "Hey, babe. Wanna take a walk?" Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Sure, Princey." He smiled. "How the hell do I move this thing?" He laughed, and Roman showed him how to get the horse to move.

They spent the next few hours learning positions, jumps, and just how to move properly with the horse. As the sun began to set, painting the sky pink, Roman stopped in the middle of the field and called everyone over.

"Did everyone have fun?" Cassie asked, to which all four of the newly made jockeys happily said yes. "Alright, good! Now, I believe there is one more surprise- Roman? Do you wanna take this part?" Roman smiled and nodded, moving Sassafras forward a little and trotting circles around them.

"Patton- do you like Bo?" He asked, stopping in front of him. Patton nodded happily, petting Bo's mane.

"Yeah! He's so sweet and he's super patient," he said softly, hugging the horse around the neck.

"Well," Roman looked to Cassie, who nodded. "He's yours now," he said with a smile. Patton's jaw dropped, and he sat up.

"What!? Wait, where are we gonna put him!?" Patton asked. Roman chuckled.

"He stays at the stables, and he'll be taken care of, but since it's only about 30 minutes away, Cassie said she'd be glad to take care of Bo as she has been already." He explained. Patton gasped and bounced up and down excitedly in the saddle.

"Really!?" He squeaked, and Cassie nodded.

"Bo is a good horse, and he seems to like your energy. But you've gotta visit regularly to keep him happy- I'll ride him out once a day while you're not here, but not for too long since I have other horses to tend to." She explained. "Can you do that?"

"Yes! Yes, I can do that, thank you so much I love him oh my goodness!" Patton was practically overflowing with happiness, looking at Logan happily. Logan smiled at him adoringly, humming in approval.

"I can drive you down every other week or so, if that is frequent enough?" He suggested, looking to Cassie for approval.

"That's more than enough- most owners visit once a month or two," Cassie pointed out. Logan nodded, and looked at Patton.

"Then he's yours,"

"YAY!!" Patton yelled, giggling happily. "Hyah!" He flicked the reigns, then trotting away with Bo and eventually getting into a slow run. Roman laughed, following him with a sprint, jumping over obstacles like a madman. Virgil shrugged, trotting after them, with Logan by his side.

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