Nerd {pt.1} -SMUT-

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{This is gonna be a Logince 2-parter, hope you enjoy it!}

Roman would've never imagined himself to actually be here in a million years.

Logan had summoned him to his room after a long night of recording, just to relax and talk for a while. His go-to was typically Virgil, but Virgil was quite busy with managing Thomas's night pondering. They had started discussing their thoughts on Thomas's newest love interest, when Roman popped an interesting question.

"How often do you think a guy should have sex?"

Logan was surprised by the question- they had just been talking about what kind of date would be ideal, and it came from... seemingly nowhere. His face turned red, and he adjusted his glasses a little before clearing his throat.

"Uhm... wh-why do you ask? I do not think copulation will arise for quite some time, knowing Thomas." He stated, trying to ignore his slight stutter. Roman smirked a bit, scanning Logan up and down and realizing the question had gotten to him.

"I dunno. Been a while since Thomas- or, any of us, really- has done anything like that. Closest we've gotten is a little grinding in that LGBT Club a few weeks ago." He said nonchalantly. Logan shrugged.

"The average couple copulates 2 to 3 times a week- in excessive amounts, it has been up to 12 times a day, in less extreme cases, it has been as few as once every few months. Depending on Thomas's sexual drive, it could vary." He explained, managing to keep himself cool. Roman nodded.

"Well, it's definitely been more than a week, and I for one am not agreeing with this." He sighed, shifting in his chair for emphasis. Logan raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I suppose you are the creative side, but wouldn't Thomas's more core feelings be centered toward Patton?" He asked.

"I mean yeah, but I'm the imagination." He smirked. "I provide the daydreams," Logan blushed again, thinking for a moment.

"I suppose that makes sense," he said softly. "But what has peaked your interest in it so suddenly?" He asked. Roman suddenly moved forward, pinning his hands on the arms of Logan's desk chair. Logan gasped softly and leaned back, looking up at Roman and immediately getting lost in the dark brown pools of his eyes.

"I dunno... maybe I'm feeling a little.... different," he mumbled, his lips only inches away from Logan's. "And someone may have caught my eye," he moved his hand up to Logan's cheek, then slowly moved it down his neck and gripped his tie.

"I- uhm- wh-What are...." Logan's eyes flicked down to Roman's lips. "What are you doing...?" He asked, adjusting his glasses and shifting in his spot. Roman shrugged.

"Nothing further, if you don't want me to," he whispered, his hand tugging the tie down slightly. Logan gulped, glancing down at Roman's hand and then back up at his eyes. He paused. He wasn't sure he understood completely, but then again, there wasn't much else these implications could lead to. He felt his cock twitch in his jeans at the thoughts that began to go through his head, and in that time he realized that he was a little more than okay with this.

"Okay," he said shakily, barely a whisper. Roman smirked, immediately leaning in and kissing the logical side with clear eagerness and passion at play. He pulled Logan out of his chair, standing him up only to pin him by the shoulders against the wall. Logan gasped softly, glancing down as he felt Roman pressing his hardening cock against his thigh. Roman moves down to kiss at Logan's neck, hands running down his sides as he began to rut his hips into the other's leg.

"I've been waiting a long time to do this," he whispered, pulling Logan's tie down and off, then immediately working the buttons of his black polo open. Logan rested his hands on Roman's hips as they moved, nodding softly and closing his eyes.

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