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{if I get a single comment referencing Old Town Road I swear to The Lord Jesus ™ Himself I'm gonna... cry silently.}

"Romannnn, where are we going?" Patton asked, whining in the back seat of the car.

"Patton, he is only going to give you the same response as he has the past 28 times you have asked: it is a surprise." Logan stated, to which Roman just laughed. Patton whined, shifting around in his seat.

"Well, are we gonna be there soon? I really gotta go to the bathroom," he complained, sounding much like a child. Virgil chuckled.

"Patton, I advised you to use the restroom before we left the house." Logan sighed.

"But I didn't have to go to the bathroom then!" Patton objected, crossing his legs. "I really, really have to go now though!" He huffed. Roman shook his head and laughed more.

"Yes, Patton, we're almost there. A few more minutes." He said calmly. Patton sighed and relaxed a bit.

"Good. I wanna know what we're doing!" Virgil just hit himself, laughing a bit with Roman.

"Pat, I swear, sometimes you're odd," Virgil commented. Patton giggled and nodded.

"Yeah. I know, thanks!"

When they finally arrived, Roman parked the car outside of a barn area, and Patton jumped out immediately.

"Whoa! It's so-" he cut himself off with a gasp. "OHMYGOODNESSGRACIOUS, IS THAT A CHICKEN!?"  He giggled and picked up a nearby chicken that waddled towards him, squealing in excitement.

Logan nodded, and Roman smirked, wrapping his arm around Logan's neck.

"Totally worth it." He laughed. "Your boyfriend is adorable," Logan blushed and shoved Roman off.

"I am aware of Patton's pleasurable appearance," he mumbled. "I would suggest you keep your eyes on your own boyfriend." Roman rolled his eyes, looking over at Virgil.

"Hey, Virgil, is that a horse?" He yelled way too obviously. Virgil looked up to where Roman was gesturing, eyes widening as he saw two people walking toward them, two horses following them each. Patton squealed again setting the chicken down before bouncing up and down in excitement. He ran over and hugged Logan tightly, pointing at the horses.

"LOOK AT THEM!!" Logan chuckled, nodding and hugging Patton back.

"I can see them, lovely," he said softly, holding Patton's hand.

"Hey, guys! Are you all ready to ride?" The girl holding two of the horses called out as she got closer. Patton nodded excitedly, as did the others. "My name's Cassie, this is Bo and Felicity," she held up the reigns to each horse as she said their names.

"Oh my goodness that's perfect." Patton said, uncharacteristically monotone. Roman laughed, wrapping his arm around Virgil.

"My name is Tony, and this is Majesty and Red-Hot Sassafras," The man behind Cassie said as he came to a stop next to her. Patton giggled at the names. "I take it you're all new to this?"

"This ain't his first rodeo," Roman smirked, pointing to Virgil. Virgil turned red and hit Roman's arm, to which the two handlers just laughed. "No but seriously, I'm the only one who's ridden a horse before. Purely for princely purposes." He winked at Virgil.

"Alright! Do you wanna hop on now? They're all saddled up and ready to go," Tony asked, offering him Hot-Red Sassafras's reigns.

"Sure! I'll stay with them though-" Roman took her reigns and jumped onto her saddle quickly. He chuckled and gently pet her mane. "So is this how it feels, Virge?"

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