Chapter 10

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Sunday. I didn't  feeling well at all. I've been feeling nauseous and getting headaches.

I didn't want to out today or to campus tomorrow. I had some plans with Riley and Tristan to go to the library but i had to cancel.

I didn't want to eat . I had no appetite. If food went in, it came back out.

I remembered that after the library, i was supposed to meet Zach at the park. I decided to text him and cancel

*Hey Zach?*

*Hey♡ What's up?*

Sending hearts now?

*I can't make it to the park. I'm not going out today, i feel really nauseous and drowsy. I'm really sorry*

*Awe. For real? Can't i just come to you?*

*You're going to get sick too!*

*I don't mind*

*No I'll be fine!*

I'm left on read, when i hear a knock at the door. I had to get it because Julia wasn't at the dorm, she went to visit her dad.



"Why did you come?"

"To see a beautiful sick girl"

I blushed. Hard. I don't know why. We went to sit on my unmade bed, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Sorry about the bed, i was laying in it."

"It's not a problem. I brought this for you. Medicine for nausea, drowsiness and headaches"

"You always have medicine. The right ones. How?"

"My mom is a doctor and I'm going to med school after college"

"Oh that's interesting hey?"

"Yep. Well, enough about me. Drink up your medicine, take a nap, then tell me how you feel"

I did just that, and when i woke up from my 3 hour nap, Zach was sitting on the floor watching tv, with food infront of him.


"Oh you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

"Much better. You literally saved me. Thank you so much"

"Always a pleasure. So, i went out to get some Chinese food. Care to join?

"I'd love to"

That was my first meal of the day, at 7pm. I was feeling much better, the nausea dissapeared and the headache wasn't so bad anymore.

"I'm starting at Harvard tomorrow"

"Oh, that's great news!"

"Yep. Since I'm 19, we won't be in the same class"

"Ughh, why do you have to be a year older than me?"

"Ask my parents"

We had the best conversation, and I'm so happy that i forgave him.

Zach's jokes are extremely funny, and i couldn't stop laughing. That's when he did it.

Kissed me.

This time, it wasn't to keep me from walking away from him.


"Oh. Uhm. I'm sorry.  I wasn't suppos-"

I interrupted him

"No. Why me? I'm dressed in my pajamas, my hair is in a messy bun and you literally came to save me because i was sick"

"You're diffrent. Other girls used me to show me off and i did the same. But you. You didn't just fall to my feet. It's  something special."

"Well i definitely won't take your crap. I hope you're not using me. I trust you. We're not official yet but, i really like you"

"Then let's make it official, right here, in your dorm room, while you're in your pajamas, more beautiful than ever"

"What? Right here? Well..."

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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