Chapter 1

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My name is Autumn Jones
I just turned 18
I'm am only child
My parents has been trying for years to give me a sibling but nothing works
My mom and dad gives me anything and everything that i want
I'm pretty much rich
I'm the most polite, caring person you'd ever meet.
Well, I was...

"Hey mom?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Is breakfast almost finished? I'm absolutely starving"

"Yes. Matter of fact, it's finished"

I could smell the deliciousness all the way upstairs, in my bedroom.

When I came downstairs , the dining room table was filled with the most delicious food. Pancakes with golden syrup and strawberries, 3 omelets with sausages. 3 glasses and a jug of orange juice, 3 cups and a jug of coffee

It felt like I was in a food heaven.  It feels like this everyday. When I finished breakfast, I went over my science notes for my test 3rd period. I studied but I always like to refresh my brain.

I did not feel like taking the bus, so instead, I decided to ask my dad for a ride, since it's on his way to work.

When I got to school, I walked in proudly, knowing when the bell rings for 3rd period, I'm going to ACE this test.

When I walked in, a familiar body collided with mine, into a hug. That would be my best friend, Julia.

Julia is that 'innocent-looking' girl but really, she's a devil. She's extremely beautiful but a little bit sloppy with her schoolwork.

I always 'tutor' her. And by tutor, I mean let her copy off of my work. But I don't mind.

Considering the fact that we just started at Harvard University, that's a little bit of a problem for Julia.

I've always wondered how Julia got into Harvard. I mean...clearly she's not that great with her work.

It could have been the fact that her dad is basically the head of Harvard, so he must have slipped her in somehow.

Finally, Friday night arrived and I decided to study some more since I have a bunch of tests coming up and I can't afford to fail any of them if I want to pass the semester.

2 hours later, I lift my head from my books on the desk, and I realised that I fell asleep, and went straight to bed

(I hope you'll enjoy the story of Autumn Jones, some chapters are going to make you happy, and some sad, so brace yourself, haha xoxo)

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