Chapter 2

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Saturday morning. Up early in the morning, once again. Waking up to the sound of my 6:00AM alarm reminding me that I have dance classes and a studying session with some of my classmates.

I got up, made my bed and took a nice warm shower. I dressed in the most simple and comfortable outfit. Jeans with a tank top and some Vans. I let my long, golden brown hair lay loose.

A minute after I finished , I went to my room and put all of my ballet clothes into a bag, making sure that I don't forget anything.

After gathering my ballet clothes, I went downstairs to have some of the breakfast that my mom made. I didn't see her in the kitchen as usual, but that's probably because she went to get some coffee with some friends or went grocery shopping.

After I filled my stomach with some delicious Spinach Frittata and a glass of mango juice, it was time to leave.

I grabbed my ballet clothes and my school bag with a couple of books and equipment that I need to study.

When I waited for the bus, I immediately wished that my parents would have bought me a car. It would have been easier. I mean. I'm 18, I'm old enough.

I get to my Ballet school and dress into my tutu with a tights and ballet shoes with my hair tied into a neat bun at the back of my head.

3 hours after standing on my tip toes and tiring myself out, I was finally finished with the dance class and it was time to go and study at the library.

When I got to the library, I went to the little coffee place and asked the barista for a caramel macchiato with extra cream, considering that I've had a long day.

I looked around the library in search of the 3 classmates of mine I was looking for. Finally after 2 minutes of endless searching, I found them. Taylor, Riley and Tristan.

I sat down and we immediately started, knowing we have a maths test, a language test and a biology test on Monday but only studying biology today and maths tomorrow because Riley, Tristan and I take Spanish while Taylor takes French.

3 hours of endless studying and I'm 3 cups of coffee down. Riley got a call from her mom so she had to go home an hour ago.

We all decided that we were tired and decided to stop for the day to go home and relax or take a nap.

Just as I was dreaming of my comfortable bed, I get a text from Julia.

*Hey bestie*

*Hey Jules*

*So what are you up to tonight?*

*I don't know...I'm probably going to take a nap, then revise over some work*

*Omg no Auti! That's totes boring. Come with me to this party tonight? I promise, it's going to be fun*

*Julia, I can't, I have work to do*

*C'mon, it's Saturday night, live a little. Plus, I'm your best friend*

*Ugh fine. You're helping me pick a outfit out tho. So come right now*

*fine. Be there in 5*

A party? Crazy right? Me? Autumn At a party? Wierd to think of.

As promised, Julia arrives and picks out the shortest, yet prettiest dress that she brought from her house

"Oh hell no Jules. There's no way I'm wearing that" I said as I widened my hazel eyes.

"Come on. All your clothes are church clothes and baggy. You CANNOT go to a party like that!". She replied with a look of disgust on her face

"What? No. I have that...dress".

"That dress? It's not that tight and plus you got that from your skinny ass mom". She laughs.

"Either pick out a longer dress or I'm not going", I say crossing my arms.

"Ughh fine Mrs boring". She sighs as she gives in.

She finally agreed to have me wear a longer dress. It's not too short I guess. There's a gap between my knees and the dress but atleast it's not showing my entire butt.

30 minutes later I'm in that dark blue dress with some black heels which I'm most definitely uncomfortable in. My hair straightened with a flat iron a full face of makeup.

I'm pretty sure I look more doll-like than barbie. I don't even remember why I agreed to all of this.

At 6PM we left the house, and I told Julia clearly that I will not drink or anything like that. I am just going for some relaxation.

With the clothes I have on, I'm pretty sure my method of relaxation is way diffrent to anyone else's.

When we walked into this double story, music started playing loudly, lights were dimmed, diffrent colour lights were displayed, red cups everywhere, bottles and bottles of alcohol everywhere. Shirtless men and women everywhere. What am I doing here?

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