Chapter 7

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School was exhausting. Filled with tests and lectures. That's what i get for moving out of my parents house and welcoming myself to the ' adult life '.

All i really need to do was crash on my bed and sleep all day. I really hate the fact that i have school the next day.

I got home and layed on my bed, without eating. I don't think that i have the energy to eat.

Just as i was about to fall asleep, a loud message notification sound popped up, and i felt as if i needed to answer it.

*Hey bestie*


*The one and only"

*What's wrong?*

*I just wanna know if you want to grab some lunch?*

*Sorry, i can't, I'm exhausted"

*Please Auti, i can't go to Taco Bell without my bestie*

*Taco Bell? Okay, fine. You're lucky i'm craving tacos right now*

*hah! Bingo!*

I got up, as tired as i was and rinsed my face, then left. I was still in my jumpsuit and toms.

I got to Taco Bell and saw Julia sitting at the table right at the back. It looked as if she brought someone with her.

I walked toward her. And i was right, she brought a guest.


"Hey guys"

"Oh hey girl. I hope you don't mind that i brought a guest. He really wanted to come to see a lil someone"

Zach gently nudged her by her arm.

"Hey Autumn"

"Hey Zach"

Silence was all there was left before Julia finally broke the silence.

"So. Let's order"

All of us order a taco each with some soda. Not going to lie. I didn't regret coming. The food was delicious, and plus, i got to see Zach.

After getting food, we went to a mall to walk around and get some ice cream.

Julia had to use the restroom so she left us walking, ALONE.

"So how was the tacos?"

"Pretty good actually"

"Yeah. It was. So... do you mind if i get your number? You don't have to..."

"Yes. Here's my number"


5 seconds after my stomache filled with butterflies, Julia returned and we went to get ice cream.

After the excitement of today, i had to go home. I was still tired, plus i had campus the next day.

When i got home, i immediately wanted to go to bed. But once again. I heard my phone buzz.


*Hey 'Auti*

*Uh. Who is this?*


*Oh hey Zach. Since when are you the funny one?*

*Since now*

*Oh, haha*

He really brings out the sarcasm in me.

We texted past 1AM, about random things. But one question, i can't ignore.

*So Autumn. Imma ask a question. Please be real with me*

*Okay sure*

I'm not sure what to expect. I'm really scared.

*So. I was just wondering if you wanted to go get some food at this really great place on Friday night?*

*Like a date?*

*Well. I don't know. Maybe?*

Why did i ask that?

*Yeah, sure. I'd love to*

*Awesome. It's 1:30AM, and you have classes tomorrow. Get some rest*

*Okay. I'll text you soon*

I put my phone down and immediately fell asleep.

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