Chapter 8

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Friday. People would be excited for the weekend, but guess what I am? Nervous. I have a freaking date tonight!

The whole of Friday, I was nervous, eating a little and looking through my closet to find the best outfit possible.

5pm. An hour from now, he's coming to fetch me. I took my time getting ready. I was pretty sure that it was a fancy restuarant, so that's how I dressed. Fancy.

I put on a gold and black knee-length dress with black heels. I know it's wierd. I've already worn 2 party outfits. Am I changing?

I let my hait hang loose, but this time, in long curls.

I added some make-up to my face. Not too little and most definitely, not too much. I looked decent. Atleast I thought so. Julia really loved my outfit and might have teared up.

At exactly 6:00PM, a knock at my door was heard. He really is on time ,hey?

"Hey Zach."

"Wow, Uh, um, you look good. Well great tonight."

"Oh, um thanks. So do you."

I would say more. He's looking so good in that pants and shirt, with a tie. I almost fainted just by looking at him.

"Are you ready to go?"


We got to this fancy restaurant. I can't pronounce it, it's French.

We had such a good time, I ordered a steak and he ordered a pasta. Both of our beverages were red wine. It was really good.



"So...I decided to transfer to Harvard. They accepted me already but I'm not sure if I'm going to do it."

"No, no. Come to Harvard! It's amazing , and even though you're going to write alot of tests, you'll enjoy it. And I'll be there to make sure you do"

"Well...You've convinced me." He easily says.


Just as I was getting into a really interesting conversation, Zach gets a text, and answers it. He looks kinda angry.

When he put his phone down, he apologized, and some girl walked in.

"Okay Zach, so you're just going to ditch me, when you asked me on a date to be with her?

"You don't know what you're talking about because I genuinely have no idea who you are."

"Oh really? Don't come begging at my feet again. Goodbye Zachary."


"Listen, Autumn!" He pleads.


"No please listen."

Before he could talk any further, I stormed out of the restaurant. I knew he asked the waiter to give the check, because it took a while for him to come after me.

"Wait, Autumn!"

"Zach, will you stop? You invite 2 girls on a date, then think it's fine to hurt my feelings?"

"No. I didn't ask her on a-"

"Let me finish. You know, I really thought you actually liked me"

"But I do-"

"Zach, let me finish! You're probably one of those guys that traps girls and make them think that you like them. Well guess what Zach? I'm not one of them. So take your bullshit somewhere else because I'm done. Okay?"

I'm silenced by Zach kissing me, but I pulled away, even though i really enjoyed it.

"I said I'm not playing your games"

I got into my car and drove away. My eyes filled with tears and mascara running down my face.

Once I got back to the dorm, it was empty. Julia was probably with some guy. Luckily she wasn't there so I could cry all I want.


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