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Velkan had watched Kira and Ally run off with no desire to intervene. He stayed by the fire, contemplating his earlier fight with Kira and what the best way would be to get a second chance at her neck. Stalking her as he had Ally would be inefficient. His only hope, he decided, would be to get her alone again, without the other Fanga around. He might have failed to take her by surprise the first time, but that was because he had let his guard down, distracted by her undressing.

It would be easy enough to kill Ally if she got in the way. He planned to kill her anyways, it was just a matter of when. However, given the not so warm greeting between the two women, he was certain there would be little issue.

He was just considering finding out where they had gone, when Kira stepped through the bushes. She looked agitated, but quickly smirked when she saw that he was watching.

"This is a nice surprise," he said, shifting to face her as she stalked forward.

"Getting your ass kicked once wasn't enough for you, Korick?" Kira teased. "We can go again later. Right now, I need information."

Taken aback, Velkan peered at her with suspicious interest. "And what makes you think I'm going to provide it?"

"Simple." Kira slid her hands up, her fingers trailing leisurely along her neck. "I have something you'd want in return. And this time I might even keep my claws to myself."

Velkan watched as she sat down beside him, his eyes trained on her neck as she brushed her hair behind her shoulders. Her smile was all too knowing as she twisted to look at him. "Well?"

"You have my attention," he admitted, finding it hard to focus through the renewed blood lust. As fun as it was to hunt and attack, Velkan would much sooner enjoy the blood of an enticing woman when she gave it up willingly.

"Good." Kira braced her arms behind her, stretching her back out. "Now, tell me what you've been doing with the Chit."

His eyes had stayed trained on her neck, although they strayed downward from the way her back arched. If the look on Kira's face was any indicator, she was well aware of the effect she was having on him, too. She tilted her head to the side, eyebrows lifting as a smug smile grew.

"You have to speak before you'll actually get your payment, Korick."

"Velkan," he replied, tearing his gaze away from her neck so he could focus.

"Kira," she supplied in return. "Time's a-wasting, Velky."

"There's not much to tell. I've been guiding her through the forest and doing the hunting for her meals. In return she keeps me company. And once she's asleep, the... other one lets me have a few mouthfuls of blood."

Kira frowned. "The other one? What the vuer are you talking about?"

Velkan gave her a curious look, wondering how, if she knew Ally, she didn't know about the Voice. He watched Kira closely as he answered. "You know, that voice thing in her head."

"I know the girl's got issues, but I don't remember her being bat-shit crazy," Kira replied.

Velkan laughed, eyes on her neck again. "So how do you know the little elemental?"

Kira waved a hand dismissively as she sat up a bit straighter. "That's not important. Besides, I doubt you've got anything worth trading that information for."

"Oh, that hurts. I think we should complete this trade first anyway, wouldn't you say?" Velkan asked, eyes flashing red as they moved back at her neck, his mouth watering.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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