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"Well, I'd say you're down now," Velkan teased, pinning her wrists down on either side of her head.

"Hardly," she snarled, struggling under him.

"So, what would you call this?"

She scoffed and bared her fangs. "Underneath, Korick, not down."

Velkan laughed, although it was getting harder to stay focused now that he had her trapped under him. With only a chest wrap and shorts on that were immodest at best, he was constantly tempted by the expanse of skin she left bared. Just sinking his fangs into her was incredibly tempting. But the way she struggled under him brought another, much more enticing option.

He leaned down and nudged his nose against her neck while breathing in her scent, trying to decide just how he wanted to proceed. He could feel the blood that pulsed swiftly through her, tempting him. It was almost as if she was enjoying this as much as he was. The thought of her enjoying it amused him. No one enjoyed being a vampire's prey. No one decent, anyway.

Velkan nuzzled into her neck and she shuddered, a low snarl leaving her lips. Even her intake of breath was more inviting than Velkan would have expected. Velkan couldn't believe his luck, to have such a willing victim. Despite how much fun he'd have regardless, this was something he did not come upon at random. It was clear she had accepted her fate when she arched up off the ground, bringing her body into full contact with Velkan's. She growled while pressing her hips up flush against his.

"Well, someone's not too worried about being found lacking," she teased softly, tilting her head to brush her jaw against his ear.

Velkan pulled his head back and blinked once. "You're flirting with me now?"

"Mmm, maybe a little. But mostly I just wanted to do this." She drew her knee up to rub suggestively along his leg, before shifting and instead using it to hit him hard in the groin.

Velkan's face, already pale, turned an ashy gray color. As he went limp, she seized the moment, flipping him over and swiftly getting to her feet. Velkan tried to climb back to his feet as well, but only managed to get to his hands and knees with a breathless groan of pain before a harsh shove from her foot sent him rolling down into the stream.

By the time he managed to get the water out of his face and look back at her, an enormous wolf had arrived at her side. The wolf circled her once, sniffing her over before turning his attention to the now soaked vampire. The woman breathed in deeply, unable to stop her bubbling laughter. Her fingers sank into the wolf's thick silver and black fur, keeping him stationary for the moment.

"Give up, Korick?" she called out, leaning fondly on the giant wolf, "or should I send my better half in to play with you now?"

Velkan had finally managed to catch his breath as he stood up so he could limp out of the water. He eyed the wolf at her side, knowing well enough that it was no ordinary animal. Outnumbered by two Fanga and running on an empty stomach, Velkan could see that the odds were against him. It was time to get the hell out of there while he still could.

"Maybe later. I have a little pet waiting for me," he said, giving a slight bow before turning to leave.

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Velkan had every intention of going back to kill Ally, no longer caring about the deal he had made with the mysterious Elemental. He just wanted to take his aggression out on something. However, as he made his way back he stumbled upon a large buck and as he fed he was able to calm down enough to change his mind about Ally's immediate fate.

The Tales of Ethlana: ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now