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The canopy of Fanga Forest blotted out the stars and the light of the moon, giving Ally little to go by as she struggled through the undergrowth. There was no way out of the maze of looming trees that towered above Ethlana, with their ancient roots twisting eternally into the ground. Her legs cramped and burned, her failing strength holding her back as she ran for her life.

Her fight for survival was marred by her exhaustion and state of starvation. There was no time to stop for rest, or even look back to see if she had outrun the one who pursued her. Six weeks ago, she might have been a match for him, or could have at least managed to lose him. Now, with hunger gnawing at her stomach and her last full night of sleep being two days prior, she was lucky she even had enough energy in her to make it this far. She was running on nothing but hope and fear.

"He's still following us," she whispered as she cast a glance behind her. The forest was eerily still, but Ally had the feeling that her efforts to escape were unavailing.

Then do something about it, an amused voice in her head taunted.

"Like what? Why can't you ever just say something useful?"

Where's the fun in that?

As a child, Ally had once thought that having the soul of an ancient elemental trapped in her head would mean having an endless source of help in these kinds of situations. It was not a notion that had lasted very long.

"I have to stop," Ally gasped out, collapsing back against a tree trunk for support. Her legs could barely keep her upright, and protested every second they were forced to bear her weight.

So you want to be dinner then? I could have killed you years ago if I'd known that's what you wanted.

I just... can't... I need a minute. A gust of autumn wind tangled her brown curls over her face for a moment. Despite the warmth of it, it chilled her pale, sweaty skin. She caught her breath before pushing away from the tree, stumbling on her first step, but righting herself quickly. I can do this.

A branch creaked just ahead, the Voice's laughter echoing in her mind as Ally jumped. Dread laced through her, but not even taking back her minute to breathe would have stopped him from catching up to her. She couldn't fight him on her own, but Ally was not willing to give herself up— no matter how much she dreaded what was to come.

"Help me," she pleaded, watching the tree shudder from branch to branch.

Her brown eyes grew brighter until they raged a fiery orange and both hands erupted into flames as the ancient elemental took full control. The heat from the flames caused the ends of Ally's curls to float around her. The Voice's twisted smile did not suit the girl's youthful, freckled face.

The man dropped the remaining six feet, gracefully landing low to the ground.

He appeared daunting as he straightened to tower over the shorter girl, his black hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. Vibrant red eyes scanned leisurely over Ally's slender figure, a sly smile growing on thin lips when he saw the fire in her hands, exposing the fangs she had spent countless hours trying to escape.

"Leave, vampire," the Voice commanded, Ally's voice echoing behind her own.

He laughed as he took a step towards her, but the Voice would not allow him to go any further. Eyes narrowed, she raised a hand and blasted a ball of fire straight at his head. He dodged the flames but she was not about to give him a chance to retaliate as she shot another attack towards him. It hit him square in the chest and he stumbled back a few steps, looking stunned. It took only a moment for him to pat out the fire, though, leaving no more than a singe behind on the dark leather of his heavy coat.

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