4: Cedric Diggory

Start from the beginning

He opens one eye. "You wouldn't dare." I quirk an eyebrow and narrow my eyes. "Care to test that theory?" 

"Nope." He stood and gathered his things and we left the compartment and followed a group of second years off the train. I smirked triumphantly, taking his hand and leading him to where our parents stood. "Are you sure your parents are okay with you staying with us this summer?" Cedric asked, for what was possibly the thousandth time this week alone.

I heaved a sigh. "We've been over this, Cedric. They're fine with it because they trust you. And like you. If they hated you or didn't trust you-"

"-You wouldn't be coming to stay with me. I know." I smiled a little and linked my arm with his. "So you do listen to me." It was his turn to roll his eyes now. "Of course I listen to you. I just don't always know how to handle what you say."

I look up at him with a weird look, but quickly shrug it off. "I second that," I say, referring to his own words. We quickly approach our parents and get pulled into bear hugs by our own respective parents. "We've missed you, little B," dad says, flipping half my hair into my face.

"DAD!" I shout in mild frustration, huffing as I fix my hair where it was supposed to be. "Sorry love," he says, smirking unashamedly. "Just having a little fun. So, how was Hogwarts this year? The scary fifth year?" 

I rolled my eyes and sat my stuff down because it was getting a bit heavy. "It was alright, I guess. Another DADA professor is leaving, which is upsetting because this one actually knew what he was talking about."

My aunt, who had helped my dad raise me after mum got sick, made a face over his shoulder. "What is it, Kit?" I ask, leaning around my dad to see her. She shook her head, her dark curls swaying slightly. "It's just... they let a werewolf teach there. I tried to convince your father to pull you out of that school and transfer you to Beauxbatons but-"

"Kit, I've told you a thousand times, my child is not being taken away from her friends and home here, where she's comfortable. The poor kid didn't make any real friends until her third year, and you expect her to move to another country and start a new school? I don't think so."


"No, Kit. This conversation is done. We didn't come to fight, we came to greet my daughter, your niece. Sorry honey." Dad smiled apologetically and Kit averted her eyes. Cedric rejoined us and looked between my dad and his twin sister. 

"Is... everything alright?" He asked quietly, slowly inching closer. "Ced," I say, holding my arm out. "Sorry," he says, and steps back a bit. 

I'm really crazy about personal space, regardless of who is invading it, and he respects that (thankfully). I smile gratefully and turn back to my dad and aunt.

"Dad, are you gonna go visit mum today?" I ask, shuffling awkwardly on my feet. "Maybe. Why?" I shrugged. "Maybe we could come with you? Ced could finally meet her."

He thinks it over before finally nodding and looks to Cedric's parents. "That alright with you?" They nod and smile at the two of us. "We'll go ahead and take your things with us to the house. You guys come on whenever you get done." 

"Thank you," I tell them, jabbing Cedric in the ribs so he would too. He soon began to rub the sore area and whine about it. "Oh you'll be fine, you big baby."

Five minutes later and he was still complaining. "Geez. You'd think he'd been hit with the cruciatus curse."


School started back before we knew it. I'd spent the first half of the summer with the Diggory family - and was ready to drown Cedric by the end of it. Honestly. I love him to death, but he's so stubborn and so stupid (brave in his opinion) sometimes I wonder if he should've been placed in Gryffindor. Not all Gryffindors are that way but most of the ones I know are. And apparently at least one Hufflepuff.

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