ashes of the empire

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The Corvus jumped out of hyperspace, and in front of them was Vardos. Iden hadn't visited Vardos for around 30 years, so she would be in a bit of a shock as to how it looks now. However some things she expected since the last time she was here. Once the Corvus was above the capital city, where the Jinata security headquarters was, they made their next move.

"It's deserted? I thought it would be crawling with more Jinata security forces." Seyn spotted.

"It doesn't surprise me, they're probably too busy doing deeds for the First Order," Iden answered.

"So what's the plan?" Shriv asked.

"Since it's deserted, you and Iden go down. I'll stay here with Zay, Just in case." Iden agreed with Seyn's idea.

"Good thinking. Zay, don't mess around up here. Got it?"

"I know mom, I'm not a child." Seyn wasn't so sure with this statement.

"That's debatable."


"Don't worry Iden, I'll keep an eye on her."

"Alright. We'll contact you if we find Del." Iden stated.

"Both of you, be careful out there." Seyn advised.

"We will, you stay safe too."

"Let's just find Del and get out of here." Shriv stated.

As Iden and Shriv left in their X-wings, Seyn and Zay piloted the Corvus closer to the headquarters. As Iden and Shriv were about to land in the city, Seyn became increasingly concerned.

"I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this."

"You're not the only one. I know Mom and Shriv can handle this, but I don't know if we'll find Dad."

Back on the ground, Shriv and Iden had landed. And immediately, things felt different.

"Iden, why didn't you ask Zay and Seyn to land the Corvus and join us? They both did great over Athula, we could really use their help." Shriv asked

"Gleb is part of my life I'd like to forget. For Zay, it's one thing for her to know about my past but it's another to stare it in the face. And Seyn knew that it was personal without her even asking, so she let me face it."

"Fair enough, I understand" Shriv then tried to lighten up the mood a bit. "At least it's snowing, that's nice."

"That isn't snow. It's atmospheric ash, left over from operation Cinder. The remains of a city that's been dead for decades."

"You know what, I'm just gonna stop talking."

Just then, something disturbing caught their eyes in the sky.

"Iden look!"

"What is that light!?"

"The first order. It had to be. What have they done?"

"Come on. We find Gleb, find Del then get back to the resistance and figure out what's going on!"

This light was also witnessed from the Corvus.

"Auntie Seyn, what's that?"

"What's what?"

"That red light."

"What is that!" For some reason, Seyn thought it looked familiar.

"I don't know, but I don't like it."

"Something tells me the first order has something to do with that!"

"Do you think Mom and Shriv saw it?"

"I'll find out for you"

As they both flew the Corvus over the headquarters, Seyn contacted Iden and Shriv.

(Inferno Squad AU Story Number 1) Gone but not forgotten Where stories live. Discover now