The Dauntless

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On the corvus, Inferno squad were preparing for the next mission given from the Admiral.

"In preparation for operation: Cinder, we've been ordered to the Fondor shipyards. Agent Hask, Agent Marana, the three of us will retrieve experimental satellites for the star destroyer Dauntless, and oversee security for Moff Raythe. Agent Meeko you have the Corvus.

The Corvus heads towards the Dauntless where Iden, Seyn and Hask flew into the star destroyer via their personal TIE fighters, and once inside Hask went to aid troopers in securing the satellites while Iden and Seyn patrolled keeping security for the Moff.

"How long is he going to take?" Seyn asked Iden, getting bored as they had been patrolling for nearly half an hour.

"I don't know Seyn, but I'm starting to lose my patience with him" Iden responded.

"You are not the only one Iden"

"I don't know what these satellites do, but it should not take this long to secure them with an entire squadron" Still frustrated with Hask.

"He's probably proud of his accomplishment, after all he wants to be Commander"

"I can assure you Seyn, he will never be Commander as long as I'm here." Just then she spots him coming down a corridor to her left. "Here he comes" informing Seyn.

"Ok commander, we've secured the satellites."

"About time Agent Hask."

Seyn gave him a dirty look and said "You took your time"

"These things can't be rushes. Moff Raythe has now informed the admiral that operation: Cinder can proceed as planned."

"Good, Agent. Next time I will be giving you a schedule to-" Just then imperial speakers interrupted Iden with an emergency. "Attention. Attention. Rebel ships have entered fondor space! All units report to your battle stations immediately!"

A Mon calamari cruiser jumps out of hyperspace, with three blockade runners, and disables the Dauntless with it's ion cannons. Inferno rush to their TIE fighters (Named Inferno one, Inferno two and Inferno four), and got into battle immediately.

"What's the plan commander?"

"Guard this star destroyer. The rebels can't learn about operation: Cinder!"

"Copy that."

All three TIE fighters exited the hanger, and saw a Corvette fly past them.

"Form up and move to intercept that enemy Corvette!"

"Yes commander."

"Aim for it's engines!" Seyn was the strategy of the team, and studied weak points of multiple types of vehicles.

"Good call Agent Marana. Agent Meeko, engage that rebel Corvette!"

Del responded through the ship's coms with "Yes commander, Corvus is on the move."

"Stay on them!"

The TIE's and the Corvus hammer at the Corvette with an onslaught of firepower and quickly tear it apart. They then receive orders from Moff Raythe.

"Blockade runner destroyed!"

"There are still two more out there." Seyn informed, after locating the remaining two Corvettes.

"We'll figure something out--" Moff Raythe interrupted Iden through imperial coms.

"Commander Versio, this is Moff Raythe. Those rebel ion cannons have disabled the Dauntless." Del then spotted a threat heading to the destroyer.

(Inferno Squad AU Story Number 1) Gone but not forgotten Where stories live. Discover now