Beginning repairs

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The next day Inferno began cleaning up the Corvus's exterior to remove all the leftover rubble and ash. While they were doing this they also began preparations for another night on Vardos. After getting up usually, Seyn knew what the plan was for the day ahead, and she thought of this while everyone was having breakfast with Mart now fully manifested.

"I've been thinking about today's objectives, and I really like what Robert said yesterday"

"To gather more supplies for the Resistance?" He asked.

"Yeah. That way we can get the Resistance going again, as well as help ourselves"

Shriv agreed with Seyn's plan, and commented "They'll need whatever they can get. After all they can't do much currently"

"In that case how about you and Shriv go and find as much as you can, while me, Zay and DIO get started on covering the damaged areas on the ship's exterior" Seyn suggested, Zay then followed with "I'm up for it"

"I think it's worth a shot, we could alternate tomorrow depending on how much we get done" Robert suggested.

"I like it. You Sure you guys can handle moving supplies around, assuming you find any" Shriv raised an eyebrow in confusion towards Seyn's comment. And responded with confidence "Are you kidding, i'm built for this"

Robert mouthed to the girls "Well I am" which made them laugh, and only made Shriv more confused. "What's so funny?"

Mart smirked and said "You all never change. I'll stay here with Seyn and Zay, as an extra pair of eyes" while still powered by the generator.

"That's fine, could you check the damaged spots to see if you find anything else?" Seyn asked.

"No problem, make sure the generator is nearby for me" Mart responded.

After their breakfast, consisting of rations and milk, Shriv and Robert we're about to leave the workshop in search of more supplies for the leftover Resistance. Shriv was eager to impress them by bringing back as many crates as possible, Robert, on the other hand didn't seem that worried as he was no stranger to things like this. Zay gave some wise words to Shriv.

"Good luck Shriv" Shriv didn't like this.


Seyn looked at the hollow table and saw a danger. "Don't be too long, I've just seen on the scanner data that a heavy storm is developing nearby"

"How long before it gets here?" Shriv asked

"Hard to tell, I can't estimate it just yet. I'll have to inform you via the com link, non the less be careful."

Robert wasn't too concerned "Don't worry, I'll be alright." Although he mis-understood.

"I was also talking to Shriv." Seyn addressed.

"Will you stop that?"

The two then left, and headed out towards the city. Robert suggested searching the civilian houses again, as he thinks they'll find more supplies there.

"Follow me, we'll check the civilian settlements" Orion stated.

Shriv wasn't so sure about this. "Shouldn't you follow me? After all, I have more experience" Shriv advised.

"And I was with Zay when we found the other crates, which is where we're heading."

"Following you" Then Shriv made a suggestion. "Should we split up?"

"Yes. That will help us with what time we have."

"I'll contact you if I find anything"

"I will do the same"

(Inferno Squad AU Story Number 1) Gone but not forgotten Where stories live. Discover now