project resurrection

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Elsewhere in the galaxy in the Kiara's comet cluster, Iden and her daughter Zay were flying their X-wings, as she was teaching Zay some flying lessons.

"Zay, when I said we could practice maneuvers this is not what I had in mind."

"It'll be fine, mom. Stop being such an old lady" Zay replied, full of sarcasm.

"Old lady? This old lady's about to teach you a thing or two about X-wings and safety." Just then, Iden receives an incoming transmission.

"Incoming call from the corvus."

"Dad's not supposed to be back for a couple of days." Shriv then came through the ships com.

"Iden? It's Shriv. I'm here with Seyn, I'm sending you our coordinates. We need to see you."

"We're on our way."

Both mother and daughter jump to hyperspace, unaware of what had happened. They make their way to Pillio, and while they neared the planet, Seyn and Shriv had a conversation.

"It looks like we're at it again." Seyn said sarcastically.

"Yeah...I haven't missed it personally, as I always enjoyed when you were all around" Shriv added.

"We helped out a lot around the galaxy once we left the Rebellion, but this brings back memories of the civil war for some reason. I can't help but get the feeling this will link to the Resistance one way or another" this got Shriv's attention.

"You think they'll tell us to investigate this further?"

"Yes. It might just be something minor, but the resistance will order us to check it's not a threat to them. I just want it to be like our normal times traveling"

"I agree, I don't want it to drag on. You still remember the rebellion being like that?"

Before Seyn could answer, they heard Iden and Zay's X-wings nearby, so Shriv opened the hangar door.

"Here they are, open the hangar" Seyn said.

"Will do" The door opened, and they waited for them to arrive on the bridge.

"When did you last see Zay?" Seyn asked.

"Before I joined the resistance, around  three months ago. I joined after hearing threats about the first Order. Luckily from now on I'll be back with you lot again. ." Shriv answered.

"Thats good...It feels like yesterday since she was born."

"I know, she's just like her parents."

"Every day I still remember when Iden partially named her after me."

"Well like she said back then, it was a gift for you." The X-wings land inside the ship, and Shriv closes the hangar door mere moments before mother and daughter arrived onto the bridge.

"Uncle Shriv. I've missed your big face." Zay said.

"Same here Zay."

"Auntie Seyn, It's great to see you!" She hugs both Seyn and Shriv, as she still loves having them around.

"You saw me a few days ago." Seyn replied.

"I know. So, is everything ok?"

"Where's your mom?" Shriv asks, just before she comes onto the bridge.

"Looking for my husband. It's good to see you both."

Shriv pats DIO on the head before they get to the topic.

"Where's Del?" Iden asked.

"We were chasing rumours for the resistance in the Jinata system. Something called project resurrection" Shriv informed, before Seyn followed.

(Inferno Squad AU Story Number 1) Gone but not forgotten Where stories live. Discover now