The moment that changed Seyn's life forever

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This story begins just after Seyn had accidentally sent a dreamers member to his death on a mission to kill two targets and also involving school students. Seyn delayed a timer on a bomb so the students could escape, because she didn't want to kill them, but her fellow dreamer Sadori ran into the building to check the explosive which killed him. Seyn became emotionally unbalanced, and because of her eidetic memory she could remember every moment of it which lead her to blow her cover in the dreamers' base. The dialogue starts moments before members team up on her for being a spy, hope you enjoy. I'm setting the layout of this fanfiction the same way as I usually do, but the Inferno Squad novel which Janina voiced can do a much better job than I can ever dream of 😂

"Seyn had found herself sitting with them, eating with them, and one night Halia had opened up and spoken about Sadori as a child. The family was so grim most of the time that Seyn was honestly surprised to hear funny stories. She found herself smiling, and then wishing that Sadori were here to be good-naturedly teased by those who cared for him.

Seyn reminded herself that she was not Sadori's love, that she was a member of an elite squadron, and that she had a duty to perform. She needed to pull herself out of this confusing melancholia. Sadori was dead. She didn't need to flirt and pretend anymore. What she needed to do was return to the person she had been before this mission. What she needed to do was listen. So she did. Eventually, Staven had more work for her to do. It was comforting to fall back into the old habits: focusing on the forgeries and eavesdropping on conversations.

"I heard Staven arguing with The Mentor" Halia speaking to Ru in their own language, in a voice of concern. Good, Seyn thought. Hask was fanning flames. "Running out of Dahna fruit, better make a run!" Piikow, teasing Dahna in an attempt to lighten up the mood. The Twi'lek chuckled slightly and replied in the same tongue that he was the one eating all the Dahna fruit. "Does not trust her" that was Ru, replying to his wife. Nor do I. Seyn kept her eyes on the Dahna fruit she was eating. This could be important. Whom did Ru not trust?

"She is the daughter of an imperial, but she left" Dahna was saying. Her command of the Kage language was crude but comprehensible. "Staven still had it in his head that she is imperial" Ru replied. "He said he wants her dead" That was a bad development, but not unexpected. Their divide-and-conquer plan ran the risk of veering into real danger, and they all accepted that. Gently, Piikow said, "we have lost soo many. Too many. Here I am, old and sick, and I live while Nadrine and Kaev and Sadori are gone." "I love the Vashans, but it was wrong to raise a child as Sadori was raised" Dahna said in a soft voice. "Growing up with all this so commonplace. He probably never even thought there might be another way to complete the mission"

"Ru and Halia loved him! They did what they thought was right, and so did Sadori" Seyn said, angry that Dahna thought so poorly of the Kages and keeping her voice quiet so the Vashans wouldn't over-hear. Everyone was staring at her. And too late, Seyn realised that Dahna had not been speaking in basic. Piikow had spoken in his own language, and the Twi'lek had responded in the same tongue as had Seyn. Dahna said, very quietly, " do you know Piikow's language? You told me you only knew basic and Huttese." "I must have picked up some of it" Seyn said. "You don't 'pick up' Chadra-Fan," Ru said, in the Kage language. "You...lied to me" Dahna, in Twi'lek.

The Kages went very, very still. Their faces were hard and unreadable, like doors that had slammed shut. Piikow's black eyes widened and he looked at Seyn in shock. Seyn kept her face blank, still smiling a little as if in embarrassment at having caused a fuss and perhaps a touch confused about what was going on. "Staven keeps saying he thought Azen wasn't working alone," Dahna snarled. Then, in a tone that shook with anger and pain, she added, "but we never suspected it was you."

(Inferno Squad AU Story Number 1) Gone but not forgotten Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang