Chapter 7

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Buttercup growled, eyes glowing and fangs growing.
"The are you doing here?" She growled
Amy smirked. Amy did change over the years. Her hair now reached her lower back. She had all black and her eyes.....they were glowing?
"Well hello to you to Buttercup! Been a while hasn't it? Oh come on! Ease up with the growling and glowing eyes." She said.
Buttercup just got even more angry.
"Why are your eyes glowing? And why are you here?" Buttercup asked as she looked at this new Amy.
"Don't tell me you haven't connected the dots yet? I'm very pale, glowing eyes and even I have fangs! What do you think?"
Buttercup stopped for a second.
"Your a vampire."
Amy smiled
Buttercup then smirked
"You do realize I can still beat you in 5 seconds flat? Just because your hearts not beating doesn't mean I can't kill you."
"Oh but you wouldn't....unless you want everyone to know your little affair with Mr. Clay?"
Buttercup froze, and paled.
"T-that's not what happened."
Amy grinned.
"Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean nobody's not going to believe it. Your a whore, no one would doubt it."
"Hey! Buttercup who's at the-" Bell said running down the stairs in her pjs.
"Well this is where I take my leave. Bell. Buttercup."
Amy said as she walked away slowly. But before she walked away she walked closer to buttercup and whispered in buttercups ear.
"Break up with Butch and I'll keep your secret."
Then she was gone.
Bell put a hand on buttercups shoulder
"You ok?"
Buttercup just walked to her room.
————next Day.
Buttercup opened her eyes and groaned.
She got up slowly and got ready.
Once she came downstairs she was in a white turtle neck and black skinny jeans. Her hair was straightened and she had a little makeup on.
Bunny looked up from her phone and smiled.
Bunny was in a black - off the shoulder sweater and black leggings. Her hair was curled.
"Morning Buttercup. Sleep well?"
Buttercup looked at her sister and nodded.
Bunny frowned.
"You ok?"
Before buttercup could answer bell came in.
Bell was in a black and white striped shirt and black skinny jeans. Her hair was in a perfect bun.
"Morning girls!" She said
Bunny smiled at bell and said hello
Buttercup though...was silent.
They then walked to school.
When they got there they noticed everyone was surrounding someone, asking them questions
That person they were talking to was Amy.
Amy was smiling and talking till she saw Butch.
"Butch!" She said running up to him and throwing her arms around his neck.
Butch stood still, shocked but regained and pushed her away.
Amy pouted.
"Oh come now. Don't act like you didn't miss me. You look nice by the way." She said in a creepy tone.
Butch had a black skin right shirt and a black leather jacket, then ripped black jeans.
"Move Amy." He said in a cold tone.
"What? Your not gonna day I look nice too?" Amy had her hair down and was in a pink shirt dress that was too short.
Butch then saw buttercup and smiled. He walked up to her, cupped her cheeks and kissed her.
"You look nice today babe."
Buttercup smiled and kissed back.
"So do you."
Amy growled.
————in class.
Butch was sitting next to Buttercup, asleep and buttercup was reading a book.
Amy was behind her and was glaring at her.
"I can feel your glare you know." Buttercup said.
Amy smirked and leaned in to whisper in her ear.
"Remember what we talked about."
Amy then leans back. And shouts
"Mr. Clay! I need help!"
Buttercups eyes widened. She then scooted as close as she could to her desk as she could already feel his gaze.
"Of course Amy. How may I help?" As he said this he leaned in the desk and made sure to 'accidentally' brush against Buttercup.
This went on for about 3 days.
Amy was now tired of waiting for buttercup to dumb him. So she took matters into her own hands.
She grabbed her phone and sent a message to everyone in the school.

'Buttercup is having sex with Mr. Clay! I saw it happen, I left when Buttercup grabbed his dick. She also has hickeys and bite marks all over her neck and body!'

It was about 12am when everyone received this. Buttercup had already taken a shower and was laying in bed. When she read this she starts sobbing, not caring anymore.

Butch was sitting in his couch watching tv. When he saw the message, his heart stopped. He was shocked, angry and sad.
'This explains everything.'
He thought.

SOUL EATER BOOK 2 (buttercup x butch)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora