I chewed my lip, thinking carefully for a few moments before typing out a reply.

A lot of the stuff you've described is incredibly similiar to what happened to me so I just want you to know that even though you haven't told anybody, you shouldn't feel that you're on your own.

I'm glad that you managed to get out of there before the situation got any worse, but whether the worst happened or not, I know that being in any situation like that can be absolutely terrifying and you can feel really shaken up afterwards. It's horrible, and unfortunately it's happened to loads of girls.

As for your friend, I think you need to talk to her. She wasn't being a good friend in that particular situation but we all make mistakes and when they're drunk, people can do stupid things that they wouldn't normally do. Don't hold it against her until you've tried talking to her and tried to sort out the tension between you. Please tell her about what happened. If she was that drunk, she might not even remember that guy or refusing to go home with you. But you need to talk to someone, anyone you trust enough, about what happened. Trust me, you will feel a whole lot better having told someone rather than bottling it up, even if it's just one person. Tell your friend, get her to give you a hug and then have a movie night with her in your pyjamas eating shitloads of chocolate.

And next time you go to a party together, ask her to not get as drunk and stay with each other. I'm not saying don't have fun but keep an eye on each other because what happened to you could have happned to her just as easily. Stay with/near to people you feel safe around and trust so you can make a quick escape to them if you need. And never go to parties on your own where you don't know anybody else there.

If you want wanna talk about anything else or want more advice, then don't hesitate to-

"What you up to?"

I quickly slammed the lid of the laptop down to keep my blog away from whoever was behind me and turned my head to see it was Brad.

Supporting The Vamps on their tour was great, kind of like my tour with The Wanted but nowhere near as dramatic (well, no one had had a panic attack or got stuck in a lift yet). I'd become really good friends with all four members of The Vamps but I hadn't told them about certain events from my past. It wasn't that I didn't trust them, it's just that it had never really come up in conversation and I still don't feel that comfortable talking about it. It's actually a lot easier to type it out for strangers on my blog than to talk about it to people I actually know.

"Nothing" I shrugged, though it was pretty unconvincing.

"Alright" he chuckled, "you don't have to get all defensive"

"I'm not" I replied quickly and ironically, it came out as rather defensive. Brad blinked, the slightly confused smile on his face starting to drop as he realised he was touching a nerve. He opened his mouth to reply but stopped as Tristan started talking from across the room.

"Maybe she's sending lurrrrve messages to Nathan" he teased, winking at me.

"Maybe they're too dirty for Brad's innocent mind" James added with a laugh, to which Brad pulled his face. Normally I would have just laughed, or more likely gone along with their jokes, but I was still panicking about Brad nearly seeing my blog.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, Sophie, we've all done it" Tristan half-joked, "and your lady hormones must be going crazy with all the testosterone on this tour" he flexed one of his biceps for added effect. Usually at this point I would have took the piss and mentioned something about them acting more like girls than I do. But Brad could have seen my blog. and if he had, he'd have asked questions, and then I would have to explain it all, and then I'd spend the rest of the tour earning sympathetic looks from the boys and have them treat me like a fragile doll. Even Gabby, Chloe and The Wanted lads do it sometimes. I know that they don't mean to treat me sympathetically because I tell them not to, but they do it without realising. Like the other week, I was at Nathan's flat watching telly and there was something on the news about a girl being sexually assaulted and nobody dared to look me in the eye. I know that it makes it awkward for them because they don't know whether to acknowledge it or not, but I'd rather them just forget about it altogether.

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