Chapter XXVI "Hello and Goodbyes"

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Work has been so crazed and busy for the past month. Xant envisioned a new restaurant and entrusted Erin, Sidney and I to train the staff. But the only problem is, he was opening it in Chicago. They leave in a couple of month. Yes, I said they, I am not going, but I have not told anyone yet.

Three weeks later

"God Beth, what's with you? You will be late for work again, its 10:30 am woman!" Leah's voice screeches through, a sharp attack on my ear drums.

"Please Lee, you're killing me here, I am so tired"

"You've been complaining about being tired too often. Probably you need some vitamins or a vacation or something"

Maybe Leah is right; I have been feeling so fatigue for a couple of weeks. A headache is pounding away the corners of my mind. I am so unfocused and dazed. I lay there staring at the ceiling, hoping and wishing.

"Beth, you want some of this egg salad from last night? It's so good." The smell of the egg hits me like a car hitting a concrete wall. My stomach flips and I bolt out of bed, straight to the toilet bowl and spew its contents. I am drained and weak.

"Okay, that's it; you are visiting a doctor, now!"

"Ms. Hernández, Doctor Martin will see you now," a motherly nurse calls my name. I follow her into a brightly lit room that smells of bleach and medicine. "Please change into this gown and have a seat, the doctor will be with you shortly." I take the offered material and she leaves the room quietly closing the door. Twenty minutes later, am sitting on the bed, the cold air in the air-conditioned room is driving me mad with discomfort.

"Good day...Ms. Hernández, what seems to be the problem today?" Doctor Martin, a grandmotherly woman smiles softly at me. After telling her all my symptoms, she requests my permission for her to run a few tests.

"Okay, Ms. Hernández, please dress, and the nurse will escort you to my office, I will be there soon with your test results." She leaves me with my thoughts, the minutes tick by and my nerves are frayed, making my breathing shallow. I did not want to know what is wrong but it needs to be done. The door clicks open, and Doctor Martin walks in and sits at her desk.

"Congratulations!" What? Why in the hell is she smiling so hard at me for?

"You're pregnant"

I am weak with laughter, and I find myself rolling on the doctor's office floor howling like a hyena. Doctor Martin looks terrified and concerned all at the same time.

"Ms. Hernández, Ms. Hernández" she tries to get my attention but to no avail. I am not listening to this preposterous notion. "Ms. Hernández!!" she screams; okay, that stops my childish behavior and I pull myself off the floor.

"Yes Doctor Martin, you called?" Am acting the fool.

"You are mistaken, because I am NOT pregnant, I would have had to have sex to get pregnant and I have not..." Shut up Isabetha, you are such a moron, did you forget about your little birthday boots knocking with Mr. Hot and Sexy.


"Given your reaction, I believe this isn't what you expected" Being pregnant, that is the last thought in my mind. What am I supposed to do? Who can I tell? Not Leah, she's still angry for my lack of common sense, this reality will send her over the edge. Not Leah, until I can ease her into the idea. Probably Erin, she might not be unhappy about the knowledge of it.

"Ms. Hernández, are you okay? You have..."

"Options, I know, I only have one option...I am keeping my baby." There is no other option.

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