Chapter XIX "Enter the Douche"

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"Have you finished packing, Leah?" the question is thrown over my shoulder while I hastily roll and stuff clothes into my bag,

"Leah! Leah! Our flight leaves in an hour. Move your ass!"

"Beth, calm down, we're on schedule, we'll make it, okay"

I will only calm down when there is considerable distance between us and them. Nothing will make me happier to leave Miami behind. Plus, I am to start my new job later today. My new distraction; my independence.

"Leah, I don't comprehend your need for the volume of clothing you brought with you." She came with six huge bags. "You were here for only two days. It is truly unbelievable!"

She rolls her eyes at me. Clearly, supermodel means a butt load of luggage every place you go.

"I'm already packed and awaiting further instructions, sir!" She salutes, her face is all smug. And here I am, still running around the room looking for my shit! She is a fucking garment kunoichi; years of practice gave her the Flash's abilities. We had spent the entire day yesterday exploring Miami with abuela Isabel; for a woman of 74 years, her energy level is phenomenal.

"Abuela promised to visit us in New York later in the year. Your grandma is one-of-a-kind. I love her" Leah leans against the dresser, watching my dance of disarrayment. I am currently crawling across the floor, trying to locate one side of my favourite pair of earrings. It is one of the few presents I got over the years from mama. "Found it! Victory is mine!" I am as over-dramatic as I am edgy.

One final look back at the house, childhood memories flash and ignite longing. Longing for acceptance and love radiates, pulling doubt and self-hatred from the dark recesses of my soul. I shake my head, to clear away these unwanted thoughts and to focus myself. This is my past, not my future.

"Let's go Beth" Leah grabs my arm and pulls me into the car. "We're gonna be late"

Naturally, we travel in style. First class all the way, right back to good ole NYC. And I can breathe freely again, life is up in the stars, anew.

"I will be out of the country for a couple of weeks. I have a job opportunity." Her announcement falters my step into the house. "Sorry for the late notice, things have been a bit frenzied for the past few days." Yeah; deaths, confessions, impoverishments; are the letters of the days gone by.

Things, better be looking up for me. I need a damn break from all this drama!

"Don't forget to call your charming brother" she looks all starry-eyed, "do you know if he has a girlfriend?" she sighs, "maybe he and I could you know..."

"I would have to ask him, we didn't discuss his love life." Liar, liar, pants on fire, Beths. I cannot watch Leah in her eyes while the lie flows off my tongue, so smoothly. "Thanks sis, you're the best, love ya!" I am a sorry excuse of a friend. I will have to tell her the truth, but not today. Today, work begins the Unicorn.

I am taking in my image in the floor-length mirror. Not bad Beths, not bad. I look good. A long sleeved purple top which compliments my hair, a grey knee length skirt and a pair of elegant black flats. I hope that my choice of attire is appropriate for work; my job interview was so unorthodox that it slipped my mind to ask Xant if there was a dress code for employees. No bother, I will just have to find out today. My shift begins at 11 am and ends at 10 pm. I am eager and happy for this brand new opportunity even though I got this job because of my funky hair colour. No matter.

"Leah, am out" she is packing for the trip, her bedroom is a war-zone of clothes, shoes and accessories, "start work in an hour." She looks up and smiles her signature smiles. Coming towards me, I am pulled into a tight embrace.

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