Chapter XX "The Letter"

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"Life is great, scratch that, life is fantastic!" Erin is doing a happy dance, well I believe it is a happy dance or she's having a seizure of sorts.

The recording I made that fated day became a rolling stone or more like a boulder down the life of Brian Farlane. Erin went to the cops with it and they began to build a case against him. For the past ten days, over a dozen women came forward in New York. The case is airtight, he is going down. The lead detective also contacted Miami PD and after interviews at Microcom Solutions with the female employees; both past and present, twenty more survivors came forward.

"It was completely perfect in court this morning. No bail! The bastard is in custody until the trail. All is right in the world! What a wonderful Monday it turned out to be!" I silently make a polite request for this Monday to will be like last Monday; uneventful, while she is still dancing around the restaurant, putting everyone around her in an ecstatic mood.

"I'm glad that things are working out, Erin' Joaquin quips "We need to go out and celebrate after work. Drinks are on me!"

"Boy, you're nineteen! You can't buy or have drinks yet! Coffee sounds better." Erin responds, ruffling his hair, "let's have a great shift people."

What an outstanding shift it was. I work with a very special group of people and I am grateful that I said 'yes' to this job.

"CeCe please to the front for a moment, thank you." Sidney's voice breaks clear through the monotony of the afternoon on Erin's walkie-talkie.

"Ooh, CeCe's in trouble," Jo sing songs a taunt at me while collecting an order from the kitchen. Shit what did I do wrong? Think Beths, think. You're keeping your head down, aren't you? Fired already, girl? Damn! Am being polite and shit to the customers, right? Thoughts are scrambling around in my head and I am blinking back the tears that are threatening to fall. God! Why me?

The closer I get to Sidney; I come to recognize the man standing there, next to her. "Mr. Scott? Oh God, did something else happen?" I am in a panic, please no more deaths. I can't stomach anymore heartbreak.

"Good afternoon dear, No. no. I had to personally deliver a letter to you" I glance down at a brown envelope in his extended hand. It has my name written on it in bold letters. But, I am not curious, not one bit.

"It's from your grandfather"

"Grandpa Nico?" he nods his head, "why now? He died ten years ago"

"When he found out that he was dying of cancer, he left it in the care of my firm, with one instruction. It could only be delivered, after the deaths of your parents"

This has peak my interest immensely. But why was it necessary to wait after my parents died? I reluctantly raise my hand and slowly remove the envelope from his possession.

"Thanks Mr. was good seeing you again"

"Same here...I hope everything works out for you"

Travis Scott turns and leaves Isabetha in turmoil. He wishes to God that the package does not bring more pain to her. He hopes that he is not a Harbinger of Death.

With Grandpa Nico's last words pocketed away from prying eyes, it is back to the norm. Working my tables; smiling and laughing, joking with my friends. Pretending all is right in the world.

"It's celebration time!" Jo and Erin choruses, "are you joining us CeCe...for a coffee? It will be fun." Erin muses. "Maybe next time guys, so tired...see you tomorrow, okay?"

All the way home, the envelope scorches like a small sun in my backpack. A part of me pleads for ignorance. Just throw it away Beths, don't open it. You don't need to know what in there. But there's that part of me, hungry for knowledge, eager to rip into it, consequences be damn.

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