Chapter V "Lonely Heart"

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I awaken.

The room is quiet, too quiet; the bed is comfortable like a warm cocoon of happiness. Looking around, the morning light bleeds through the light blue curtains that compliments more grey walls.

Slowly, I remove myself from the bed's warmth and I survey the room.  

There are two doors; the first one; the biggest walk-in closet I have ever seen, it is even bigger than my mother's and that is saying a lot. Entering I am greeted by blue cabinets; lighted cupboards with mirrored front doors, there is even a chandelier, an accessory island with storage, an enormous white ottoman and of course built-in window seats. I could get lost in here.

The other door leads to a minimalist modern bathroom, done in black and white, on the right, a  white free-standing bath tub accented by a wall of black tiles. There's marble flooring throughout.  A gigantic shower enclosure graces the opposite wall.

"Is that a rain shower?  It's huge!   I love it!"

It is the most incredible shower I have had in ages; it even has L.E.D lights

Grabbing my phone from off the side table, after slipping on my black cashmere bathrobe, yeah, I said it, cashmere.  Those were the days-memories of my past vibrates in my subconscious, with thoughts of growing up with...luxuries.

 Checking my phone for any calls or messages--there are none, not missed I see, well you didn't actually advertise your departure Beths and knowing mother, she would never admit to the family's shameful secret-Isabetha's divorce.  I glance at the time. It's 11:35 am, I had slept for over 12 hours.

After dressing, I head downstairs to the kitchen to make lunch, I am ravenous .  There are boxes and bags scattered across the open concept layout, I guess all the deliveries have been made and I slept through it all.

"Nice hair."

"Ah!" Grasping  my chest, I spin around to see Leah coming down the stairs.  "Fuck Leah! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?!"

"Again, nice hair...I should have mentioned that to you yesterday, but we were a bit...distracted..hmm.. what's for lunch?"

"So, that's the reason am here, to be your personal cook?" I ask jokingly.

"Come on!  This body's clearly not suited for manual labor" sweeping her hand up and down her person.

"So...what's your lunch?"  she repeats.

"What you think about....a Greek yogurt chicken salad sandwich or a pesto pasta with sun dried tomatoes and roasted asparagus?"  As I rifle through the boxes of groceries and cookware, sounding like a master chef.

"Pesto sounds delightful." she replies

"Love your place Leah, the bills must be a killer....I.." She just shrugs her shoulders, "Don't even say it, Beth, you ARE staying here, end of discussion. No rent and no bills to worry about.  Here's the facts: One; I will love the company, when I am here, Two: because I am hardly here, am always on some photo shoot, magazine shoot or something or the other, YOU will have place to yourself; to HEAL, to REINVENT yourself, the hair is a clear start and Three; Greta (the cleaning staff) is here two times a week, so you will not have to worry about cleaning up, and she will not get in your way; you guys will meet on Monday."

Leah keeps talking, while I am preparing lunch.  But my mind is stuck on some things she said

To reinvent myself:  Definitely...might...perhaps?

Definition of reinvent- according to the Cambridge English Dictionary;  to change someone or something so much that the person or thing seems completely new.

To heal: NEVER

Definition of heal - according to the Cambridge English Dictionary; cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound or healthy again.  

A part of me is missing and I believe that I will never get it back.

Lunch is a pleasant affair of great food, fine aromatic wine and beautiful company.

"Well, I am off to a shoot in LA, gone for the entire weekend, am leaving in a few; will be back very early Monday morning. Oh, I left you a little cash on table in your room"

She leaves me with a quick hug and a bright smile on her face.

A little cash, Leah? More like too much, $2,000.00 too much! I got to teach this girl, what 'a little' means!  I spend the next few hours unpacking all my goodies.  My walk-in closet is now a paradise of expensive, tasteful clothes, with scores for footwear and dozens of bags.  Not to mention, so much accessories. 

With my goal completed and boredom creeping in I made a clear-cut decision to explore the house. There are three levels, the main level is the open concept floor plan of hardwood flooring throughout with a living room, dining room and a kitchen with granite counter tops where I spent the morning with Leah, so I take the stairs to the lower level (basement level); room after room I investigate, there's a media room, a game room, a damn wine cellar (that's on my check list!), a state of the art gym (that's OFF my check list), and staff quarters! Damn Lee! And of course she has a garage with five cars.  Upstairs boasts 5 bedrooms, there are 6 1/2  bathrooms throughout the house, a library with panoramic views from large bay windows.  Central park is walking distance and I spied a private outdoor garden out back.

I am living in the lap of luxury.....someone else's lap.

Am now relaxing out in the garden in the octagonal gazebo, surrounded by the scents of so many flowers reading a 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley.  It takes a few moments for me to realize I am still on the first page.  All around me, darkness, the only source of light is the clear string lights brightly illuminating the darkening space. 

My mind a scattering plethora of visions; memories that are leaking through the seams.  I do not want to be alone with my thoughts.  Tears are streaming down my face, I cannot contain them.  I am blubbering, my breathing is erratic.  I hunch over and clutch  my chest, my heart pounding so hard, its overpowering all other sounds around me.

"Please make it go away, please." I pray into the night.

"Why me?" I ask, no-one in particular, perhaps I am questioning myself--my worth. Love has brought me here.  Love has broken me down,  Love has left me nothing.

I need to sleep, to get away from myself.  Sleep to give me temporary relief from the pain.  Dragging myself to bed, stripping down to my underwear, I fall, fall into bed; it is cold like a tomb, a grave.  Curling my body onto itself, I fall into a dreamless state.

Fridays...left me lonely and broken 

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