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I remember the way the gentle faces they had immediately turned into something that sent shivers down my spine. His eyes were sharp and set on me. As if he just couldn't believe I'd actually do something like this.

He pointed his gun at Allen. The tip of the barrel barely touching the edge of his nose. "Come with me. We will handle you the proper way." I gripped Allen's hand, afraid of letting him go. He looked me in the eyes while he slowly stood and pulled his hand away from mine.

Lucy, the wife of John, held no weapon, but she walked to me and tied my hands behind my back. She picked me up and walked me to a room with no windows. I heard Allen being yelled at to go to the basement while he was held in gun point.

"Did you really think we wouldn't know?" I stared at her blankly and she continued on. "You two were all over the news!" She slowly started towards the door, "We don't got a phone or anything, but I'm going to go get the police." She locked the door behind her.


I looked around the room. John was probably going to stay, so he could make sure we didn't escape. I stared at the door. Allen needed me. I took a deep breath and charged towards the door. Everything went black in an instant.

"Lei, it's time for your medicine, dear. I'll go get it for ya. Be back in a jiffy!" A lady rather unfamiliar smiled at me as she walked away. She closed the door as I examined the room around me.

The room was bright and the beds were white as snow. I didn't know where I was, but I laid back expecting a soft and fluffy mattress. All I got was a hard and springy one, but I stayed there for a minute. A winter wonderland. I smiled and imagined the way snow would fall so gracefully.

I giggled and threw my hands in my the air. I sat up quickly as I heard and saw the door slowly opening. I stared at the man entering the room. He had big glasses and a white coat over his kaki pants and blue button down shirt. I stared, afraid of his intentions.

I was tired of questions and I was tired of talking to people. I just wanted to sleep.

I watched as his fingers grazed the lock on the door lightly before he turned it. It followed by the clicking sound.

He walked over to me with lust lingering deep in his eyes. I saw him lightly bite his lip and stare down at me as if I was a piece of meat.

Panic filled me entirely, but I didn't know what to do. I gripped the sheets immediately feeling my chest tighten. He gripped my wrist and pressed his whole body against mine.

The tears started off slow.

I muttered 'help', hoping the lady would break in and save me from this monster.

He ran his leathery hands between my legs and I tensed up more.

"Help!" I managed to yell. They had to be close. She said she'd be right back. He put his hand over my mouth and began to roughly touch me in places you wouldn't show your pastor when you go to church. "Bad girl." He said in my ear and more tears fell much quicker.

I woke up to John on top of me. I growled and kneed him in his manhood. He rolled over trying to gather himself.


I never showed it much, but even as a kid, I hated the touch of someone else. It always made me uncomfortable how willing people were to just go up and wrap their arm around a stranger.

But this. This. Everyone should hate this. My eyes and body grew heated with rage. I took the knife from his back pocket and cut myself loose.

I tightened my grip on the weapon and stared down at him. He had pleading eyes, but that meant nothing to me. He reached for his gun and that's what made me attack. I screamed in anger and pierced his skin with the knife. Over and over in the chest until the floor was covered with his greasy pig blood.

Even when my arm began to burn, I still stabbed him on and on.

It took Allen's grasp to make me finally stop.

"Lei, we need to leave." He said trying to pull me away.

Don't touch me.

Don't touch me.

Don't touch me.


I looked at him and dropped the knife. "I didn't mean to... I didn't do it."

"Come on Lilith. We have to go." I stared at John's soul-less body and then at the knife.

"I'm just sick..." I muttered as Allen pulled me out of the room.

That night we had left immediately out of the town. No time to rest. No time to change. The whole time we walked, Allen held my hand tight. Did I scare him? Like how he once scared me?

I ruined everything. Allen tugged my hand to keep moving.

I looked at him  and tears had fell fast. "I'm sorry." I whispered and he looked at me.

"What?" He got close and sighs. "It wasn't your fault, Lilith. That guy deserved whatever was coming to him!"

"I'm a monster. I helped you kill someone and then I stabbed a man in the chest!!" I fell to my knees and started to sob.

He looked around. We were out of the woods now. Somewhere unfamiliar. It was open though. Tall grass. Some cows in the distance eating grass and such.

We weren't fully safe, but I was tired and my legs burned. And all I can think about is how much I wanted to cry.

Allen sat down and held me. He was at a loss of words. I understood, I don't even know what to say to myself.

"We messed up." I muttered and he sighed slowly nodding.

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