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When I woke up, Allen was attempting to get out of bed.

"Be careful." I muttered as I tried to rub the sleep from the eyes.

The sunlight had beamed into my eyes. I sat up and swung my feet over the side of the bed.

The small knock on the door was followed by a woman's soft voice. "Would you two like breakfast? I can bring some in." I held my stomach as I realized it was rumbling.
"Yes, ma'am. Please." I answered and looked at Allen.
"Mr. John said you needed more time to rest, please lay back down."

"I'm fine, Lilith." He sighed attempting to stand.

I gently pulled him back down, "It's not fine. You fell out of a window!"

He realized he was not going to win and finally just laid back down reluctantly.

I held his hand in fear of letting go. All I heard was muttering and whispers around the room.
Nothing was there.

I looked at Allen to see if he was the one making the noises, but he was quietly studying the room.

"These people seem odd." When he spoke, all the other sounds around the room just vanished. All I heard was his voice and in a way that was more comforting than anything at the moment.

"How so?" I asked looking at his eyes. They were always so beautiful. Especially in the bright sunlight. I watched the way the sun had reflected off his pale cheeks and crimson lips. His hair looked soft, but it was still dirty. I ran my fingers through his hair and he looked at me and smiled.

I felt my cheeks grow red and looked away quickly.
"They kind of just give me those vibes, y'know?"

I nodded in agreement as I thought about the man. How were they able to fix Allen? Was it just that simple or were they doctors of some type? Why hadn't I thought about asking them these questions before?

The wife, Lucy, knocked before she entered and she set a tray down in front of Allen and I. It was a bowl of grits with a fried egg on top and bacon around it.
"Thank you, Miss." Allen smiled and she nodded walking off.

Allen immediately bursted into giggles, "Lei, I can't believe she is trying to feed me some of your family members" He pointed towards the egg and I rolled my eyes.

I giggled and couldn't even be mad 'cause— well. I don't know. Something had drawn me to him and I glanced down at his lips. Do I dare?
How could he ever feel any other way then the bond we created.

I heard harsh words being screamed and I felt my eyes water. It felt as if my ear was being pierced with a knife.
"I- I gotta go. I'll be right back." I flashed him a grin and immediately walked to the bathroom.
No windows.
Locked doors.

I felt as if my brain was about to explode. I inhaled shakily and sat in the corner of the bathroom in the bathtub.
Where even were we? Why did I feel so unsafe?

There was a soft knock at the door and I instantly froze.
"Lilith, sweetie, are you okay?" A deep raspy voice asked.
I gripped the end of my shirt and stared at the door trying to gather words.
"I'm fine, thank you!" It came out more uncertain than I wanted.
"Are you sure?" John asked with an unfamiliar worry in his voice.
"Yes, sir."

His presence made me more anxious.
"Excuse me, sir." I heard Allen's sweet voice and then realized.
All the attention was on me.
Why'd it have to be all on me? I'm so dramatic. There's nothing wrong with me.
Whatever that lady said in that dream, she's wrong. I'm not sick at all.
"Lilith. Unlock the door."
I'm sick.

"Let me in Lei, it's going to be alright."

I'm a burden.

"Please." He voice was so soft. I crawled out of the tub and unlocked the door. I sat on my knees staring at the door.

He walked in slow and wincing in pain from his back. He closed the door behind him and kneeled down wrapping his arms around me. I hadn't realized how much I needed this hug.

This warmth from him. It was always him. Making me feel better and brightening my day when things were at there worst.
I wrapped my arms around him and felt myself break down completely.

He whispered in my ear in a comforting manner, "I love you."
I felt more thick tears forming in my eyes and closed them slow. "Thank you so much."

He pushed the hair behind my ear and pressed his lips against my forehead.
"Everything is going to be alright" he promised and I nodded. Everything about the way he told me it was going to be okay just convinced me that it was going to be.

"You are beautiful. You are smart. You are very important and I'm glad you exist." He trailed off as we met eyes and his mouth had pressed against mine with everlasting fireworks passing between the kiss.

He moved his hand behind my neck pulling me to him. This was something I hadn't ever imagined from him.
When the kiss was over I felt my face heat up quickly.
I looked at him in the eyes and he grinned.
"I've wanted to do that for so long." He said and I giggled.
"I think we should leave now, Allen."

He nodded in agreement and we both opened the door to leave. The wife and husband stood at the door.

"Wanted murderers?" He said with a shotgun in his hand.

Oh shit.

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