Chapter 65

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"So how long have you been here?" I ask after walking through the streets for a few minutes. The sound of music and celebration echo through the alleys dividing us from the crowds. She looks down before a tear stream down her face. "Oh, no I'm sorry I didn't mean to impose."

She quickly wipes her face and looks over at me, "It's fine, let's just start this revolution so we can get off of this planet." I nod my head as we silently weave our way towards the prison. Every once in a while she pushes me back to check around the corner but that's about it for the contact between the two of us.

"Come on, it's through here," She says, I run behind her and she stops in front of a pair of doors. "After you."

I kick open the door and two guards immediately point their blasters at us, I allow the flames to ball up in my hand before hurling it at their chests and send them flying back. Valkyrie looks at me before picking up a gun one of them had dropped, the other lay in pieces with purple singe rimming the edges. A burst of hope erupts into me that my brother is in here and a smile courses onto my lips.

We walk through the blue and white hallways, flames surrounding my arms as I prepare myself for any more guards but none come. We turn a few more hallways, and stop when a hologram shoes up.

"Loyal Sakaarians, Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship and has taken my favorite champion. Sakaarians take to the skies! Bring him down, don't let him leave this planet." The hologram of the Grandmaster disappears and I look at Valkyrie who only responds with taking off into a sprint. I follow suit and follow her through the twists and turns of the hallways before stopping in front of a door, she gestures towards it and I smile.

I push the flames out and the door bursts open, Valkyrie goes in first and tosses the gun to a rock man but my focus is somewhere else. My brother lays on the ground, his eyes closed and fear trickles its way through me.

"Evan?" I am not really sure of what else to call him since he doesn't have any name, the design on my wrist sparks with warmth when his arms move to rub his face and I smile. He quickly gets up and we embrace in a hug. Tears flow down his face and I pull apart from him and he just smiles at me.

"I got so worried, I thought you were dead or worse," He breaths and I just wrap my arms around him again when I feel the tears burn in my eyes. I can't imagine what it must be like for him to finally have someone in his life that he can truly trust and have them disappear on some strange planet.

"I decided to name you that," I say and his face lights up impossibly more, he brings me into a hug and tears stream down his face. I feel him nod against my shoulder and calmness flows through me. I was worried he wouldn't want that name or something else I can't really name. "Your humanized name shall be Evan Moriarty and your Attolian name shall be Eleventia Almoradia. Is that OK?"

"Yes," he says and whispers it multiple times between happy sobs. Tears stream down my face from the official proof that he's my brother; when and if we ever get back to Earth, I'll do anything for him to become a citizen as I did, I will turn myself in for him to finally live a normal life. I will beg for Tony and Pepper to adopt him as they had done for me or at least let him join what is left of the Avengers, if there is any hope left for that.

"We're going to live a normal life," I promise him, "we're going to go somewhere and do things normal siblings do; you're going to go to school and live the life you deserve, ok?"

"But first we'll have to get off this planet and go to Asgard," Valkyrie says, and she gestures for us to get going. Evan looks over at me and I just smile.

"Yeah, I'll explain the situation along the way, also nice armor," I say finally noticing that he was wearing a chest plate along with some pants and boots. He nods at me before taking off in a sprint behind Valkyrie. "Thank you," I say to the rock man, "for keeping an eye on him."

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