Chapter 56

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I adjust the top of my uniform and straighten out the belt wrapped around my waist. The V at the center of my chest shines brightly as the silver reflects the vanity light. I stare at myself in the mirror, I stare at the dark circles under my eyes from the nightmares and at the bruises on my arms from the training and the black hair. I hate this hair, I miss my other color, I miss the curls and the way it shined from the sunlight. I miss the old face that stared back at me, I miss the person I used to be. I sigh before turning around and making sure there are not any holes in the suit, instead the faint discoloration of where the Avenger patch used to be stares back at me through the mirror. 

My gaze lingers on it for a moment before I connect the last weapon to my back and I leave the room.  I throw boots on and peer through the peek hole to make sure no one is in the hallway. I slowly open the door and look up and down the hallway before running to Steve's room. I knock on the door and Sam opens it and quickly moves out of the way so I can get through. 

Natasha and Wanda stand with their arms crossed, Steve looks over at me and nods before going back down to the map of the facility. I make my way over and look at the plans, but Steve folds the map before I could get a good look. 

"Alright, Natasha you take care of the information, Sam you're our eyes and ears, Wanda and Grace make a clear path for Natasha. I'll take care of the South side and the two of you take care of the East and West sides. Remember, make sure the information gets in and out. It's the only way we can show the public we're on their side and we're not the bad guys. We're going to turn it into the United Nations by the end of the week when we're leaving for our next stop. Understand?" We all nod and Steve sighs before continuing. "We'll take the quinjet in and land about two miles and travel by feet so we won't give away our cover." His gaze travels between us. "Let's go." 


I run through the brush, not making a sound. Wanda took the East side so I had to take the West, I stop at the edge of the brush and crouch down as I peek through the shrub. Watching the seven Hydra agents take their post with guns ready. 

"Everyone in position?" Steve asks through the comms. I reply with a yes and wait for Steve to give the go. I move the shrub a little and all the guns get drawn in my direction, my body falls back and I throw my arms up preparing to create a shield to block the bullets that never come. Two of the seven begin their way down towards me and I go back down a crouch, not daring to touch the bush again. Still waiting for the go, I slowly make my way back making sure to sweep the dirt to make my prints disappear. The shadow from the pine tree hides my small figure from the agents. One of them moves the bush with his gun before looking over and chuckling. 

"You missed one," he says and I feel my blood run cold. I look down and the print from my boot can be seen right there, right where I was crouching. How could I miss something like that? Steve still hasn't given the go, but the time is ticking down and they started to advance toward the tree. I tap the comm, which is in my good ear, but no sound comes out. They're ten feet away and looking right at the tree. Their lights flicker on and graze through the forest, barely shining on me through the thickness of the branches. 

Seven feet. My finger continues to tap the comm, trying to get it to turn on. 

Five feet. I can't move, my back rests on the trunk of the tree and if I move one single step they would hear me. 

Four feet. Blood fills my ears as the light once again grazes over me. 

Three feet. They touch the branches and move them apart. 

Two feet. Flames surround me and I enter their minds making them not see me. My heart erupts in my chest and their gazes continue to stare right at me. I must have been too late. They must have seen me.

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