Chapter 72

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I've missed this feeling. The feeling of floating, as if nothing was wrong, as if the galaxy was silent or stopped just so you could live in this moment. Electricity crackles around us pulling me out of the silence, my gaze slowly goes up to Thor as Rocket glides himself onto his shoulder. With power and anger rimming his eyes, Thor throws Stormbreaker before we land on the ground. Flames ignite at my sides, my gaze now forward, awaiting the light to disappear and for the army. 

The light disperses and the smoke surrounds us, the fight around us seems to have paused for a moment, as if they were coming to terms that they were going to lose. The Avengers were together once again; and just like all the other missions, all the other battles, we were going to win. 

Blue electricity snaps around Thor and the red cape uncurls itself behind him. Natasha and Steve look at us, a spark of hope in their eyes. Hope fills my heart that Evan was alive and is here, my eyes darting everywhere but he's nowhere to be found. But before it drains from my system, a large rolling spike ignites into flames and behind it, Evan hovers in the air with balls of flames in his hands as he sends them at the outriders. 

"You guys are so screwed now!" Banner yells triumphantly in the Hulkbuster armor. I can feel the energy course through me as the flames cackle at the advancing army, knowing that they are about to destroy them. It felt good, to have the warmth between my fingertips with my team back together. It felt like my life was finally back to normal and I couldn't help but grin at the thought. The thought of finally going home after proving to the United Nations that we only had the best intentions for the world and wanted justice to be properly distributed. I can't wait to be home with Bella and feel her soft fur and gentle kiss on my hands, but before I get to see her I have to show the army that they chose the wrong people to fight.

The four of us smirk at each other before charging at the army, "Bring me Thanos!" Thor shouts before leaping up and raising his ax. Lightning bursting from his body as he slams the ax into the ground. Thunderlight blasting the outriders and killing all of them unlucky to not be far enough away. 

I allow the flames to push myself from the ground and fly over the sparkling ground and to the rest of the advancing army. I allow the flames to ball up and send them into the army and force them to burst as they burn the flesh of the outriders and those around them. I concede the flames to surround my arms once more, the energy directing itself into my forearms. With a smirk, I spread my arms out and clap them together, purple bursts from my body and spreads out into the enemy. 

I turn to find Natasha smiling at me and I allow the flames to disappear around my body before I run up to her. We embrace into a hug and she chuckles into my ear, I pull us apart and look around to look at our teammates. Rhody drops bombs in his War Machine suit while Sam fires bullets at the army, Bucky twirling while holding Rocket as the two of them fire their guns into the surrounding outriders, Steve stab with his new shield and Black Panther flipping over and sending an explosion of purple to surround him. But two people were missing. 

"Where are Clint and Tony?" I ask, sending a ball of flames at an Outrider. 

"Tony is in space," Natasha responds, firing a bullet at another before continuing. "And Clint is under house arrest." A woman behind her fights off many of the outriders with a spear, gold rings her armor, making me guess she is the general of the Dora Milaje.

"So, you're telling me that you guys didn't call Clint because he's on house arrest!" I grunt as I punch an outrider out of existence. 


"Well, I think we would have had a pretty valid reason to take him out of it!" Natasha was about to respond but a noise distracts us from the conversation. We look over and I feel my legs and arms go limb at the sight of the spikes coming towards us. A bright red light lands in front of us and red wisps lift the craft into the air before slamming them down onto the next wave of Outriders. Wanda turns back to us, a grin spreading across her lips. I nod at her and her eyes flick with hope.

The Valiant (The Seventh Avenger)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें