Chapter 44

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"Grace hold still!" Natasha says as she tries to do my hair for graduation, which is in two hours. My nails and makeup were done but we were having a difficult time trying to make my curls not be frizzy.

"I'm sorry but it's kind of hard when you're pulling my hair every few seconds!" I shout back sarcastically and she begins to laugh along with Wanda. A cap pops off and hair spray begins to be sprayed frantically all over me. "Thanks for the warning!" I spit and cough from it going into my mouth.

"Done!" Nat says and turns me around so I could see the finished product. I look wide-eyed at myself and can't believe what I look like. "C'mon, you got to get dressed."

I slowly change into my dress and look at myself in the mirror, for once I feel like I can take anything that is thrown at me, but that's when I realize I actually can't. My heart aches in my chest for tomorrow night, the night I will never forget. Wanda hands me my cap and gown and I quickly put them on over my dress before walking out.

"Wow," Tony says next to Steve. I see their eyes water and I can't help but roll my eyes. "You look great."

"Thanks," I say smiling at my fellow teammates. They're all in different disguises but I can tell who's who based on their style. The only people that are missing are Clint, Thor, and Bruce. I miss all of them dearly, especially Bruce. I'm worried about him, we don't know where he is nor do we know if he's ok.

"Are we ready for pictures?"


I sit a few rows behind Michelle and Ned and Peter sits a couple of rows behind me. My hands shake and I wring them together to try to calm them down. I don't really know why I'm so nervous, I've prepared for my speech all week. Apparently they decided to give me a medal for being a hero to the school. I fold and unfold the speech I created and wait for the time to go up.

"And to welcome to the stage for the 'Hero of Class' award, Grace Moriarty," my principal says. A round of applause erupts from the crowd as I walk up to the podium.

"Thank you," I say before taking a deep breath, "thank you. I'm a bit nervous so please bear with me. Before I wrote this, the faculty wanted me to write what a true hero is, I did some research and found the perfect quote. 'The definition of a hero is someone who is concerned about other people's well-being, and will go out of his or her way to help them -- even if there is no chance of a reward. That person who helps others because it simply should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero.' This quotation was written by the legendary Stan Lee.

"In order to save someone, you don't have to do big things like save them from getting hit by a car or save them from drowning. The little things include saying 'hi' to that kid who looks down or helping a friend up after they fell off their bike. The little moments like these show how special life is and how everything will be OK for those who are having a bad day. A hero is someone who wants to make the world a better place, who wants to make sure that everyone is OK," I stop and look directly at Peter, "a hero is someone who cares about everyone, even those who are mean to them. So I have one question to ask you, how will you be the hero?"

Another round of applause erupts from the crowd and my knees shake as I step down to accept my award from my principal. We shake hands and I get sent back to my seat. The applause continues until the principal calms them down.

"Ladies and gents it is time to announce our graduating class, please wait for all applause until the end." He says. "Bethany Alberey."

I can't take my eyes off my award. I've never received anything like this since I was unable to commit to anything at school, it felt odd to be applauded in that way like I had done something good in the public eye for once.

"Michelle Jones."

I sit there, feeling the tears begin to make their way down my cheeks as I remember all the memories I made with the three of them. The day I met them, the first time we hung out as the four amigos, the first time we watched the whole Star Wars franchise, the first time we celebrated Christmas, New Years, our birthdays, Halloween.

"Ned Leeds."

The first time I admitted my feelings for Peter to Michelle, the first time we all went to the mall and almost got kicked out, the first time we all got an A on a Spanish test, the first time we all started laughing, the times Michelle and I geeked out over books, Ned and I geeking out over Star Wars, Peter and I freaking out over the Star Trek movies.

"Grace Moriarty."

I slowly get up and walk back to the front of the room, each moment getting slower and slower with each step as tears create different paths on my face. I shake all of my teacher's hands and make my way over to the principal who gives me a hug before handing me the diploma. As I make my way back, I see my teammates all smiling at me and nodding their heads. I quickly sit down in my seat and dab at my eyes as I wait for the names to be over.

More tears threaten to fall as the realization kicks in that so many of these memories will be the last for me. The last time celebrating Christmas with my friends, the last and first time celebrating New Years, the last time celebrating our birthdays, the last time seeing my fellow classmates.

"Peter Parker."

My lips form a smile at his name, I just can't help it. I just can't believe he's taking me to the dance tomorrow night, I can't believe he chose me to do that with. His arm is no longer in a cast and his nose has completely healed so his face looks even more perfect than it has ever been. When he turns, a huge smile on his face, and faces me my stomach buzzes with bees.

I can't believe after these past three years they will continue on to high school forgetting about me back here. Despite these thoughts though, I feel a smile creep onto my lips as Michelle and Ned look back at me, holding their diplomas up to show all the stickers they received for getting A's in their classes. I smile at them and look down at my own, my fingers trace over the stickers but my attention is pulled back to the front.

"Students if you'd please stand," the principal says at the podium. "Please move the tassels from the right to the left." We all follow his orders and look up at him. "Ladies and Gents, please give a round of applause to the graduating class of 2016!"


"That was quite the speech there, Grace!" Steve says as we're walking out. It took our whole class an hour to calm down from finally graduating. I couldn't help but cry when we said one of our final goodbyes. We still have tomorrow night for the dance but I still can't believe it's my last day with my friends.

"Thanks," I smile at them. I hear footsteps run towards me and I turn around to see Peter charging at me, a huge smile on his face. Ned and Michelle follow behind him, he's gotten really fast since we've been back.

We embrace and tumble down as we laugh at each other for finally making it, for finally surviving middle school. We look into each other's eyes and kiss in front of everyone. Applause and sounds of shock are heard around us but we don't care. We've been through so much together.

"I love you, Grace," he says and a storm erupts in my stomach. We look each other in the eyes as I say my response.

"I love you, too," Instead of feeling my chest warm, I feel it go cold. He will move on to high school without a second thought. He will forget about me and fall in love with someone else and he will leave me here. And yet, somehow I'm going to have to be the one who causes it.

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