Chapter 40

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I told them everything. How the "V" pendant on my neck is from my first uniform; how I am an Avenger; how my abilities work. How I'm not human. I also explain to them that they can't tell anyone about this because it could put them in danger. They all promised me that they wouldn't say anything.

I now sit in the car with Steve and Tony as they drive me back to the tower. It has been silent since I've gotten in the car. I can hear my heart thumping in my chest as I prepare myself to tell them I told my friends the truth. I try to steady my breathing before speaking.

"Hey guys," I say looking at Tony in the mirror, "I wanted to tell you something." Steve turns his head at me and Tony nods to show he's listening. "I told my friends.... about my identity."

"What?" Steve says, "I thought you were keeping that a secret."

"I was," I look down at my fidgety hands before continuing, "and I still am keeping it from the public, but I told my friends. They're the only people that know, they promised me that they won't tell anyone." I hear Tony sigh in the front seat. "What?"

"Have you thought about how you guys could get into a fight and they say something?" I have thought about this, a lot actually. "How about the amount of danger you have put them in? The fact that they are aware of this brought them into so many radars."

"Easy with her Steve," Tony says in the passenger seat, "she did what she thought was the best thing. Let's not forget that she only has a few more weeks with them."

I keep forgetting that I'm not going to high school next year; instead, I will be tutored along with Wanda when I don't have missions. In less than a year I will be a full-time Avenger. It feels weird saying that, thinking that I should really say. The strange thing is I don't know what the next few weeks will bring, what they will lead to but I hope they will at least bring something good for me for once.

My eyes trace the raindrop on the window as it streaks its way down to the ground. We're only a few blocks away from the tower, Tony dropped Steve off at the facility a half hour ago and it has been silent since I told them the truth.

Tony pulls into the garage of the tower and I get out to grab the things that the team had brought for me to the hospital.

"There's someone who's been waiting to see you," Tony says. A smile creeps onto my face as I imagine Bella upstairs waiting for me to return, but an ache forms in my chest when I remember how long it's been since I've seen her. I bolt to the elevator and wait as Tony slowly makes his way over to me.

We make our way up to the main floor and I hear whimpering on the other side of the doors. The ache moves to my stomach when I hear the deeper bark, she's grown that much? The elevator doors open and I almost collapse to the ground when two paws leap up to my shoulders and a tongue begins to kiss my face. Giggles escape my lips as I slowly lower to the ground. Bella jumps up and over me as she smells and licks my arms and face.

A camera flash fills the room and I look up to see Happy holding it, he smiles down at me before taking another picture. I scratch at Bella's belly and laugh, the next chapter in my life looks to be off to a good start. My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up to see Peter had texted.

Won't be at school tomorrow, going on a field trip to the science and industry

I respond with an 'OK' and lay next to her. Tomorrow is going to be tough without Peter there. At least tomorrow is Friday so I won't have to deal with everyone's questions for long. I still can't believe he is allowed to go the day we get back. Before I could stop myself I text him:

Please be careful

He almost responds right away and my heart skips a beat.

You too, I love you

I can't believe that this is the first time we're 'saying' it to each other, a smile forms on my lips and my fingers shake as I type those four words.

I love you too

The Valiant (The Seventh Avenger)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ