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"This is dumb, Dutch. Why we gettin' ourselves involved in these folk's problems? Don't get me wrong, they're good people, but it's a complicated situation," Arthur said to Dutch, who was looking into a box of dynamite like he was forgetting something. He was only partially paying attention to what Arthur was saying.

For the first time in a long time, I found myself feeling rather neutral on a matter. It's odd, considering I almost always have an opinion. Mama always used to say my mouth would get me killed some day. She was probably right.

Dutch wanted us to meet him on a cliff overlooking the road. He gave us no details, only sent word for us to be here late this morning. He quickly explained we were ambushing some men from the army alongside the Indians, and more importantly, Eagle Flies, the last son of Rains Fall. It's essentially a shakedown, nobody needs to die. Dutch wants to keep the law's eye off of us for once. Hell, who knows, maybe it could work. These people deserve better than how they've been treated by this supposedly great country.

"Come on Arthur. It ain't like that. Think about it, it's mutually beneficial to draw attention to one problem and a veil over another. Help me carry this dynamite, would you?" Dutch dropped the crate into Arthur's hands. I grabbed the wire without being asked to and follow them towards the road.

Arthur gave me an annoyed look which I didn't return. He was waiting for me to back him up. "Miss Fetcher with nothing to say? I never thought I'd see such a day," Arthur mumbled sarcastically. Dutch let out a low chuckle.

"You have been quieter than usual," Dutch added, looking for an explanation.

I huffed. "The way I see it, this won't get us in more trouble with the law. That's where my priority is at. Dutch's plan could actually work if we're careful."

They nodded, respecting my opinion. Most women these days don't get asked for their thoughts on anything besides fashion trends and pie recipes. Another reason why I've grown to love the outlaw life.

"How high is your bounty, Ana?" Arthur asked suddenly.

I swallowed, my mind flashing back to the wanted poster that I found in Saint Denis. I'd heard it'd gone up by a thousand since then. It must be at least seven thousand by now. There's never been more than fifty dollars on my head since I joined the Van der Linde Gang. I used to make my living on petty robberies after Mama died. The law didn't bother me or pursue such minor crimes. I never mentioned the poster to Dutch or even Arthur. I know Micah has something to do with it, but Dutch will never buy it. I still need real evidence against the rat, which seems impossible to find.

"Seven thousand," I finally answered, trying not to sound panicked. Dutch and Arthur whipped their heads in my direction.

"Shit... you must've pissed them Pinkertons off," said Dutch while tensing his eyebrows.

We finally reach the road. I watch for oncoming travellers while they plant the dynamite. I pause before continuing our conversation.

"Milton wants me dead, that's all. I got lucky during the ambush and he feels like he's gotta rectify that," I said, picturing his scarred, red cheeks. I hope I never have to set eyes on him again unless I'm watching him die. Maybe I'll just kill the weasel myself.

"What a slimy bastard. Wish we killed him that day," Arthur said. I nodded to myself. I don't remember much about what happened during the ambush. The girls back at camp just kept saying Arthur saved me and everyone else. I bet that was a real nice sight.

Once the bombs are planted, Eagle Flies shouts to us from the cliff's edge. "I think that should do it. Hurry up and get back here!"

We lightly jog up the steep hill. My thighs feel a bit wobbly once we reach the top. Eagle Flies motions for us to get in position. "We saw some movement in the distance... there's a lot more of them than we were expecting." I look over to the young man who seemed agitated. Strangely, I see him as a boy though he can't be more than a year or two younger than me.

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