"You bitch, you blocked my door," He seethed. "Hush Carlos, the adults are talking right now," I told him. "You can talk later when you beg for your life." I then looked at Hades, his cold silver eyes trying to cut right through me. "Now I hope we can come up with some way for all of us to get what we're owed." He and I then looked at Carlos who looked ready to piss his pants.

Later that night I sat at the table with a cigarette going over all the women's pay slips with Hades and one of the other men he had brought with him. Carlos was a very lucky man that he had a ton of cash undocumented in the safe. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't enough and now he has to go and get it with some Inferno chaperones. I was much faster working through the pay slips than them, and kept taking some of the ones from their stacks to quickly do the math on my note pad. I put my cigarette out and looked over each one, verifying everything was right. I then passed it to Hades. He began to count the cash while I leaned back in my chair, keeping one foot on the table for balance. I took a drink of my beer. More men came in and I wasn't surprised they were here.

He then handed me back the note pad, "Pass it out." He stood up to go talk to them. "Okay ladies, when I call your name come get it," I said and began to call their names, giving them what they were owed. When I finished Hades sat back down in front of me.

He held out some cash to me and I took it. I counted it, seeing it was more than what I was owed. "This is two more than I'm owed. What's the catch," I asked him with a raised eyebrow. "No catch," He told me. I laughed darkly, "There is always a catch, so what is it?" We then had a stare down, neither of us backing down. "The club will be under new management as of now, don't cause me any problems," He said while standing. I saluted, "Aye aye captain." I stood while tucking the cash into the back pocket of my shorts. I grabbed my leather jacket and put it on. Hades opened the door for me and I stepped into the freezing temperature. I began to walk while taking a cigarette out and lighting it.

A motorcycle pulled up beside me. It was Hades. "You're gonna freeze your ass off," He told me. I shrugged as I took a drag, "I'm used to the cold." "I'm gonna take you home," He told me. "I wasn't gonna go home," I told him. He raised an eyebrow, "And where would you be going this late at night?" "Marty's, they're twenty four hour and they make the best damn burgers," I told him. "Come on," He said. I put out my cigarette before slipping on to the back of his bike, my arms wrapping around his waist. Damn did it feel good be on the back of his bike. I took him to Marty's and we went in. "Hey Crimson," the woman who ran the place greeted. "Hey Bertha," I said as I made my way to my usual booth in the corner where I could see every entrance and exit.

"Why do they call you Crimson," He asked me. "Now it's because of my hair," I told him while running a hand through my hair that I pay good money to have dyed the color of blood. "Used to though it was because I was a hired mercenary. I had to go into temporary retirement when I got arrested and now I'm out on probation." "Clearly you weren't arrested for your profession," He said and I smirked, "Very good observation. You're right, I was arrested for being in possession of weapons that were illegal for a civilian to be in possession of." Bertha placed my usual order in front of me, "What can I get for you big guy?" He eyed my plate then look at her, "The same." She nodded and walked away.

"How long till your probation is up and you go back into business," He asked me. "Four months," I said while holding up four fingers. "What's your favorite weapon," He asked me curiously. I bit my lip as I thought about the array of tools I used for work. "It depends the job. I prefer getting up close and personal with my victims. I get off on the look of fear and realization that they're about to die when I look them in the eye before I end them. Just thinking of the memories gets me horny," I told him. Bertha brought his food, "Not in my diner Crimson." I smiled, "Of course not Bertha. Your good people, I'd never disrespect you like that." She smiled before going back to the kitchen. She was one of the few who knew my secret. In a way she was how jobs got a hold of me.

"So tell me, why the name Hades," I asked him curiously. He gave me a dark smirk that had me biting my lip, "Because I'm the King of the Underworld. I get off on torture and breaking bones." I smirked, "What's your body count?" "Seventeen," He answered. "You?" "Forty one," I told him. "You've got some catching up to do big guy." He chuckled, "I guess I do."

We finished eating and paid before I took him back to my apartment. Once inside he pinned me to the door, his lips on mine. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He knew exactly what to do when his tongue invaded my mouth. I moaned and buried my fingers in his hair. He moved me from the door to my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and began to undress me. He chuckled when he found the blades hidden in my knee high boots. When he had me stripped of my clothes, I laid there and watched him take the pistol out from the small of his back, and place it on the nightstand. I've never been so turned on by a man undressing before.

Once he was naked and his very large sheath was covered in a condom he didnt waist anytime entering me. I moaned and arched my back, my nails digging into his skin. He fucked like a savage, taking me to heights I've never been without the help of a drug. With him I didn't need any of that crap.

Afterwards we laid there. He had one arm behind his head, the other hand holding a cigarette. I laid with my head on his chest, smiling in satisfaction. The only things I knew in life was sex and death. At least I thought I knew what sex was before him. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair, which was a mess thanks to him. "Doesn't being a hired mercenary pay well," he asked me. "Yeah it does," I said while sitting up. "Then why do you live in a shit hole," He asked me. "Because the man who got me arrested fucked me big time. Took my money and beautiful condo, while the police took my weapons. I got the job at the club just so I could make some kind of living. Plus with Carlos taking a good chunk of my check I couldn't afford anything more decent," I told him while getting up. I felt sore in all the right places and I could feel his eyes watching me. "Plus to get back into the business, I need to save up and buy new toys once I'm no longer on parole." I took the cash out of my leather jacket and took out two grand then put the rest in. I put the two grand in my night stand. "I might be able to help get your toys back," He told me. I straddled his waist, "And what would that cost me?" His eyes trailed over my body, "I think I can find a good price for you. As long as if I'm ever in need of your services, I get a good price." I smirked as I lowered my lips to his, "I think I can agree to that." I then kissed his lips, enjoying the taste of us and tobacco on his tongue. I pulled away and took the cigarette from him, taking the final hit before putting it out in the ash tray on the nightstand. He flipped us, his hard cock pressing against my needy pussy, "If only I hadn't run out of condoms." I smirked, "Such a tragedy." "I'll make sure to bring more next time," he told me. "And what makes you think there will be a next time," I asked as a challenge. He chuckled coldly, "Because I'll be damned if I only fuck someone as good as you only once." He kissed me again before he got up to get dressed. He had a point, no way in hell was this going to be our only encounter. 

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